Opens an association to a local server listening on port 11112 with the called application entity title DCMRCV. Sends the DICOM file image.dcm to the server.
No Format |
-soclosedelayacceptTO <ms> delaytimeout in ms for Socket close after sending A-ABORT, receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s by default -async <maxops> maximum number of outstanding operations it may invoke asynchronously, unlimited by default. -bufsize <KB> transcoder buffer size in KB, 50ms1KB by default -acceptTOconnectTO <ms> timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5sTCP connect, no timeout by default -releaseTO <ms> -fileref send objects without pixel data, but with a reference to the DICOM file using DCM4CHE URI Referenced Transfer Syntax to import DICOM objects on a given file system to a DCM4CHEE archive. -h,--help timeout inprint msthis formessage receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s by-highprior HIGH priority of the C-STORE operation, MEDIUM by default -reaper <ms>keypw <password> password for accessing period in ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, 10sthe key in the keystore, keystore password by default -keystore <file|url> file path or URL of P12 or JKS keystore, resource:tls/test_sys_2.p12 by default -rspTO <ms> -keystorepw <password> password for keystore file, 'secret' by timeout in ms fordefault receiving DIMSE-RSP, 60s by-L <aet[@host][:port]> set AET, local address and listening port of local Application Entity default -lowprior LOW priority of the C-STORE operation, MEDIUM by default -noclientauth disable client authentification for TLS default -highpriornossl2 HIGHdisable priorityacceptance of the C-STORE operation, MEDIUM bySSLv2Hello TLS handshake -passcode <passcode> optional passcode for User Identity Negotiation, only effective with option -username default -pdv1 send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF PDU, pack command command and data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by default. -sndpdulenrcvpdulen <KB> maximal length in KB of sentreceived P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by PDUs, 16KB by default -rcvpdulen <KB> -reaper <ms> maximal lengthperiod in KB of received P-DATA-TF PDUs, ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, 16KB10s by default -L <aet[@host]>releaseTO <ms> set AET and local address of localtimeout Applicationin ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s Entity, use ANONYMOUS and pick up any valid local address to bind theby default -rspTO <ms> timeout in socketms byfor defaultreceiving DIMSE-V,--versionRSP, 60s by print the version information anddefault exit -async <maxops> maximum number of outstanding operations it mayshutdowndelay <ms> delay in ms for closing the listening socket, invoke asynchronously, unlimited1000ms by default. -bufsizesndpdulen <KB> transcoder buffermaximal sizelength in KB of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs, 1KB 16KB by default -connectTOsoclosedelay <ms> timeout delay in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by default -h,--help Socket close after sending A-ABORT, 50ms printby thisdefault message -sorcvbuf <KB> set SO_RCVBUF socket option to specified value in KB -sosndbuf <KB> set SO_SNDBUF socket option to specified value in KB -stgcmt request storage commitment of (successfully) sent objects afterwards -tcpdelay set TCP_NODELAY socket option to false, true by default -tls <NULL|3DES|AES> enable TLS connection without, 3DES or AES encryption -truststore <file|url> file path or URL of JKS truststore, resource:tls/mesa_certs.jks by default -truststorepw <password> password for truststore file, 'secret' by default -ts1 offer Default Transfer Syntax in separate Presentation Context. By default offered with Explicit VR Little Endian TS in one PC. -uidnegrsp request positive User Identity Negotation response, only effective with option -username -username <username> enable User Identity Negotiation with specified username and optional passcode -V,--version print the version information and exit |