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Wiki Markup
h2. Table Descriptions (version 2.1718)

Following are description of the tables in the [database schema|Database Schema Diagram].

h3. Core DICOM Tables

h4. patient

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| merge_fk | Foreign key to a record in this table, pointing to a patient that this patient has been merged with. |
| pat_id | The patient id (0010,0020). |
| pat_id_issuer | The issuer of the patient id (0010,0021). |
| pat_name | The patient name in DICOM format (0010,0010). |
| pat_fn_sx | Patients first name soundex code \\ |
| pat_gn_sx | Patients given name soundex code |
| pat_i_name | Ideographic representation of the patient name. |
| pat_p_name | Phonetic representation of the patient name. |
| pat_birthdate | The patient's birth date (0010,0030). |
| pat_sex | The patient's gender (0010,0040). |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| pat_attrs | DICOM dataset containing patient attributes. |
| pat_custom1 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| pat_custom2 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| pat_custom3 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|]\\ |

h4. study

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| accno_issuer_fk | Foreign key reference to the issuer table \\ |
| study_iuid | DICOM Study Instance UID (0020,000D). |
| study_id | DICOM Study ID (0020,0010). |
| study_datetime | Timestamp containing the study date (0008,0020) and time (0008,0030). |
| accession_no | The accession number that the study was performed under (0008,0050). |
| ref_physician | The referring physician name (0008,0090). |
| ref_phys_fn_sx | Refering physicians first name soundex code |
| ref_phys_gn_sx | Refering physicians given name soundex code |
| ref_phys_i_name | Ideographic representation of the referring physician name. |
| ref_phys_p_name | Phonetic representation of the referring physician name. |
| study_desc | The DICOM study description (0008,1030). |
| study_custom1 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| study_custom2 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| study_custom3 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| study_status | The status of the study in terms of any related GPWL items (see [Study Status Service]).  Defined by codes in the Code table.  Aside from use in the GPWL implementation it is also used as a status code in the [Study Reconciliation Service].  Usage in the [Study Reconciliation Service] is mutually exclusive to the other uses.  The default is 0 (no status). |
| study_status_id | The DICOM study status id (0032,000A). |
| mods_in_study | The modalities which were involved in the study (0008,0061). |
| cuids_in_study | SOP Class UIDS contained in study \\ |
| num_series | The number of series within the study (0020,1206). |
| num_instances | The number of instances within the study (0020,1208). |
| ext_retr_aet | External retrieve AET.  Study instances get marked externally retrievable if dcm4chee sends a StgCmt request and gets a SUCCESS response with populated retrieve AET attribute. |
| retrieve_aets | The AE titles which may retrieve the study (0008,0054). |
| fileset_iuid | The DICOM media storage fileset UID (0088,0130), |
| fileset_id | The DICOM media storage fileset ID (0088,0140). |
| availability | Instance Availability (0008,0056) which defines how rapidly *all* composite object instances of this study become available for transmission after a C-MOVE retrieval request.
* ONLINE = 0
| checked_time | The last time the study was consistency checked. |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| study_attrs | DICOM dataset containing study attributes. |

h4. series

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| study_fk | Foreign key reference to the study. |
| mpps_fk | Foreign key reference to the MPPS. |
| inst_code_fk | Foreign key reference to the code table \\ |
| series_iuid | DICOM Series Instance UID (0020,000E) |
| series_no | DICOM Series Number (0020,0011) |
| modality | DICOM Modality (0008,0060) |
| body_part | DICOM Body Part Examined (0018,0015) |
| laterality | DICOM Laterality (0018,0015) |
| series_desc | DICOM Series Description (0008,103E) |
| institution | DICOM Institution Name (0008,0080) |
| station_name | DICOM Station Name (0008,1010) |
| department | DICOM Institutional Department Name (0008,1040) |
| perf_physician | DICOM Performing Physician \\ |
| perf_phys_fn_sx | Performing physicians first name soundex code |
| perf_phys_gn_sx | Performing physicians given name soundex code |
| perf_phys_i_name | Ideographic representation of the performing physician name. |
| perf_phys_p_name | Phonetic representation of the performing physician name. |
| pps_date | Timestamp containing the PPS start date (0040,0244) and time (0040,0245). |
| pps_iuid | DICOM Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) from Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence (0008,1111) |
| series_custom1 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| series_custom2 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| series_custom3 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| num_instances | DICOM Number Of Series Related Instances (0020,1209) |
| src_aet | Calling AET which send the series into the archive |
| ext_retr_aet | External retrieve AET.  Series instances get marked externally retrievable if dcm4chee sends a StgCmt request and gets a SUCCESS response with populated retrieve AET attribute. |
| retrieve_aets | Retrieve AET where the Series instances are stored |
| fileset_iuid | The DICOM media storage fileset UID (0088,0130), |
| fileset_id | The DICOM media storage fileset ID (0088,0140). |
| availability | Instance Availability (0008,0056) which defines how rapidly *all* composite object instances of this series become available for transmission after a C-MOVE retrieval request.
* ONLINE = 0
| series_status | Series Stored Status \\ |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| series_attrs | DICOM dataset containing series attributes. |

h4. instance

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| series_fk | Foreign key reference to the series. |
| srcode_fk | Foreign key reference to the code table. |
| media_fk | Foreign key reference to the media table. |
| sop_iuid | DICOM SOP Instance UID (0008,0018) |
| sop_cuid | DICOM SOP Class UID (0008,0016) |
| inst_no | DICOM Instance Number (0020,0013) |
| content_datetime | Timestamp containing the Content date (0008,0023) and time (0008,0033). |
| sr_complete | MISSING |
| sr_verified | MISSING |
| inst_custom1 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| inst_custom2 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| inst_custom3 | Custom configurable C-FIND matching key.  See [Attribute Filter|] |
| ext_retr_aet | External retrieve AET.  Instances get marked externally retrievable if dcm4chee sends a StgCmt request and gets a SUCCESS response with populated retrieve AET attribute. |
| retrieve_aets | Retrieve AET where the instances are stored |
| availability | Instance Availability (0008,0056) which defines how rapidly this composite object instance become available for transmission after a C-MOVE retrieval request.
* ONLINE = 0
| instance_status | Instance Status indicating if Series Stored Event has been generated |
| all_attrs | MISSING |
| inst_attrs | DICOM header dataset of the instance. |
| commitment | indicates if storage commitment was received for this instance. |
| archived \\ | Archived Flag (indicating that instance has a file with flag ARCHIVED) \\ |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |

h4. files

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| instance_fk | Foreign key reference to the instance. |
| filesystem_fk | Foreign key reference to the filesystem. |
| filepath | Path to the file including filename relativ to filesystem |
| file_tsuid | DICOM Transfer Syntax UID (0002,0010) |
| file_md5 | MD5 check sum of the file |
| file_size | size of the file in bytes |
| file_status | Status of file
* MIGRATED = 4 |
| md5_check_time | Timestamp when the last MD5 check was performed |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |

h4. filesystem

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| next_fk | Foreign key reference to the next filesystem ( |
| dirpath | Directory path on the filesystem |
| fs_group_id | Identifies a linked group of file sytems. Future versions will support to store received objects to different file system groups dependent on the identity of the object source (modality AET) or on DICOM attributes of the received object. It will be also possible, to define different Deleter Policies for different file system groups |
| retrieve_aet | Retrieve AET of the filesystem |
| availability | Availablity of the filesystem:
* ONLINE = 0
| fs_status | Read/Write status of the filesystem
* PENDING = \-1
* Default RW (currently used) = 0
* RW = 1
* RO = 2 |
| user_info | User Info - can be used for access to files stored on FTP \\ |

h4. ae

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| aet | Application Entity Title |
| hostname | Hostname/IP adress |
| port | Port |
| cipher_suites | SSL / TLS configuration |
| pat_id_issuer | Configurable Issuer of Patient ID \\ |
| acc_no_issuer \\ | Configurable Issuer of Accession Number \\ |
| user_id | Configurable user ID (used for DICOM security) \\ |
| passwd | Configurable password (used for DICOM security) |
| ae_desc | Description text of the AET |
| wado_url \\ | Specific WADO URL for this AET \\ |
| station_name \\ | Configurable Station Name \\ |
| institution \\ | Configurable Institution Name (Format: <code>'^'<scheme>\['\['<version>'\]'\]'^'<meaning>) |
| department \\ | Configurable Department Name \\ |
| installed \\ | Installed Flag \\ |
| vendor_data \\ | Usable for custom implementation specific requirements \\ |
| ae_group \\ | Grouping for AETs (usable in webinterface) \\ |

h4. mpps

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| drcode_fk | Foreign key reference to the code table. |
| mpps_iuid | SOP Instance UID |
| pps_date | Timestamp containing the PPS start date (0040,0244) and time (0040,0245). |
| station_name | DICOM Station Name (0008,1010) |
| modality | DICOM Modality (0008,0060) |
| accession_no | DICOM Accession Number (0008,0050) |
| mpps_status | DICOM MPPS Status \\ |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| mpps_attrs | DICOM dataset containing mpps attributes. |

h4. device

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| station_name | DICOM Scheduled Station Name (0040,1010) |
| station_aet | DICOM Scheduled Station AET (0040,0001) |
| modality | DICOM Modality (0008,0060) |

h4. other_pid

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| pat_id | The patient id (0010,0020). |
| pat_id_issuer | The issuer of the patient id (0010,0021). |

h4. rel_pat_other_pid

|| Column || Description ||
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| other_pid_fk | Foreign key reference to other_pid. |

h4. code

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| code_value | Code Value \\ |
| code_designator | Coding Scheme Designator \\ |
| code_version | Code Version \\ |
| code_meaning | Code Meaning \\ |

h4. rel_study_pcode

|| Column || Description ||
| study_fk | Foreign key reference to the study. |
| pcode_fk | Foreign key reference to code. |

h4. study_permission

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| study_iuid | DICOM Study Instance UID (0020,000D). |
| action | Allowed Actions \\ |
| roles | Roles granted Access \\ |

h4. series_req

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| series_fk | Foreign key reference to the series. |
| accno_issuer_fk | Foreign key reference to the issuer table |
| accession number \\ | DICOM Accession Number (0008,0050) \\ |
| study_iuid | DICOM Study Instance UID (0020,000D). |
| req_proc_id | DICOM Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001). |
| sps_id | DICOM Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009). |
| req_service | DICOM Requesting Service (0032,1033). |
| req_physician | DICOM Requesting Physician (0032,1032). |
| req_phys_fn_sx | Requesting physicians first name soundex code |
| req_phys_gn_sx | Requesting physicians given name soundex code |
| ref_phys_i_name | Ideographic representation of the referring physician name. |
| ref_phys_p_name | Phonetic representation of the referring physician name. |

h4. issuer

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk \\ | primary key \\ |
| entity_id | Local Namespace Entity ID (0040,0031) \\ |
| entity_uid | Universal Entity ID (0040,0032) |
| entity_uid_type | Universal Entity ID Type (0040,0033) |

h4. media

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| fileset_iuid | MISSING |
| fileset_id | MISSING |
| media_rq_iuid | MISSING |
| media_status | MISSING |
| media_status_info | MISSING |
| media_usage | MISSING |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |

h4. verify_observer

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| instance_fk | Foreign key reference to the instance. |
| verify_datetime | DICOM Verification DateTIme (0040,A030) |
| observer_name | DICOM Verifying Observers Name (0040,A075) |
| observer_fn_sx | Verifying Observers first name soundex code |
| observer_gn_sx | Verifying Observers given name soundex code |
| observer_i_name | Ideographic representation of the referring physician name. |
| observer_p_name | Phonetic representation of the referring physician name. |

h4. content_item

|| Column \\ || Description \\ ||
| pk | primary key \\ |
| instance_fk | Foreign key reference to the instance. |
| name_fk | Foreign key reference to code table \\ |
| code_fk | Foreign key reference to code table |
| rel_type | Relationship Type \\ |
| text_value | Text Value \\ |

h4. study_on_fs

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| study_fk | Foreign key reference to the study. |
| filesystem_fk | Foreign key reference to the filesystem. |
| access_time | Last Access Time Recorded by QR SCP or WADO \\ |
| mark_to_delete | Study Marked as to be deleted \\ |

h4. mwl_item

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| sps_status | DICOM SPS Status (0040,0020)
* READY = 2
| sps_id | DICOM Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009). |
| start_datetime | DICOM SPS Start DateTime \\ |
| station_name | DICOM Scheduled Station Name (0040,1010) |
| station_aet | DICOM Scheduled Station AET (0040,0001) |
| modality | DICOM Modality (0008,0060) |
| perf_physician | DICOM Performing Physician (0008,1050) |
| perf_phys_fn_sx | Performing physicians first name soundex code |
| perf_phys_gn_sx | Performing physicians given name soundex code |
| perf_phys_i_name | Ideographic representation of the performing physician name. |
| perf_phys_p_name | Phonetic representation of the performing physician name. |
| req_proc_id | DICOM Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001). |
| accession_no | DICOM Accession Number (0008,0050) |
| study_iuid | DICOM Study Instance UID (0020,000D). |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| item_attrs | DICOM dataset containing mwl attributes. |

h4. gpsps

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| code_fk | Foreign key reference to code. |
| gpsps_iuid | SOP Instance UID \\ |
| gpsps_tuid | Transfer Syntax UID \\ |
| start_datetime | GSPS Start DateTime \\ |
| end_datetime | GSPS End DateTIme \\ |
| gpsps_status | DICOM General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status (0040,4001) |
| gpsps_prior | DICOM General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority (0040,4003) |
| in_availability | Instance Availability \\ |
| item_attrs | DICOM dataset containing gpsps attributes. |

h4. rel_gpsps_appcode

|| Column || Description ||
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| appcode_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. rel_gpsps_devname

|| Column || Description ||
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| devname_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. rel_gpsps_devclass

|| Column || Description ||
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| devclass_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. rel_gpsps_devloc

|| Column || Description ||
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| devloc_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. gpsps_perf

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| code_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |
| human_perf_name | DICOM Human Performer's Name (0040,4037) |
| hum_perf_fn_sx | Human Performer's first name soundex code |
| hum_perf_gn_sx | Human Performer's given name soundex code \\ |
| hum_perf_i_name | Ideographic representation of the Human Performer's Name |
| hum_perf_p_name | Phonetic representation of the Human Performer's Name |

h4. gpsps_req

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| req_proc_id | DICOM Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001). |
| accession_no | DICOM Accession Number (0008,0050) |

h4. gppps

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to the patient. |
| pps_iuid | DICOM Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) from Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence (0008,1111) |
| pps_start | Timestamp containing the PPS start date (0040,0244) and time (0040,0245). |
| pps_status | DICOM Performed Procedure Step Status (0040,0252) |
| created_time | When the record was created in the database. |
| updated_time | When the record in the database was last updated. |
| pps_attrs | DICOM dataset containing gppps attributes. |

h4. rel_gpsps_gppps

|| Column || Description ||
| gpsps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gpsps |
| gppps_fk | Foreign key reference to the gppps |

h4. hp

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| user_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |
| hp_iuid | DICOM SOP Instance UID (0008,0018) |
| hp_cuid | DICOM SOP Class UID (0008,0016) |
| hp_name | DICOM Hanging Protocol Name (0072,0002) |
| hp_group | DICOM Hanging Protocol User Group Name (0072,0010) |
| hp_level | DICOM Hanging Protocol Level (0072,0006) |
| num_priors | DICOM Number of Priors Referenced (0072,0014) |
| num_screens | Number of Screen \\ |
| hp_attrs | DICOM dataset containing hp attributes. |

h4. hpdef

|| Column || Description ||
| pk | The primary key |
| hp_fk | Foreign key reference to the hp |
| modality | DICOM Modality (0008,0060) |
| laterality | DICOM Laterality (0018,0015) |

h4. rel_hpdef_region

|| Column || Description ||
| hpdef_fk | Foreign key reference to the hpdef |
| region_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. rel_hpdef_proc

|| Column || Description ||
| hpdef_fk | Foreign key reference to the hpdef |
| proc_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. rel_hpdef_reason

|| Column || Description ||
| hpdef_fk | Foreign key reference to the hpdef |
| reason_fk | Foreign key reference to the code |

h4. ups

|| Column \\ || Description \\ ||
| pk | primary key \\ |
| patient_fk | Foreign key reference to patient table \\ |
| code_fk | Foreign key reference to code table |
| ups_iuid | Instance UID \\ |
| ups_tuid | Transfer Syntax UID \\ |
| adm_id | Admission ID \\ |
| adm_id_issuer_id | Issuer of Admission ID \\ |
| adm_id_issuer_uid | UID of Issuer of Admission ID \\ |
| ups_label | UPPS Label \\ |
| uwl_label | UWL Label \\ |
| ups_start_time | Start Time \\ |
| ups_compl_time | Completion Time \\ |
| ups_state | UPS State
* SCHEDULED = 0&nbsp;
* COMPLETED = 2&nbsp;
* CANCELED = 3 |
| ups_prior | Priority \\ |
| created_time | Created Time \\ |
| updated_time | Updated Time \\ |
| ups_attrs | DICOM Dataset containing the attributes \[BLOB\] \\ |

h4. rel_ups_appcode

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| appcode_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to code table |

h4. rel_ups_devname

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| devname_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to code table |

h4. rel_ups_devclass

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| devclass_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to code table |

h4. rel_ups_devloc

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| devloc_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to code table |

h4. rel_ups_performer

|| Column \\ || Description \\ ||
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| performer_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to code table |

h4. ups_req

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk \\ | primary key \\ |
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| req_proc_id | Requested Procedure ID \\ |
| accession_no | Accession Number \\ |
| confidentiality | Confidentiality |
| req_service | Requesting Service \\ |

h4. ups_rel_ps

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk \\ | primary key \\ |
| ups_fk \\ | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| sop_iuid \\ | SOP Instance UID \\ |
| sop_cuid \\ | SOP Class UID \\ |

h4. ups_rel_ps

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk \\ | primary key \\ |
| ups_fk | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| sop_iuid | SOP Instance UID \\ |
| sop_cuid | SOP Class UID \\ |

h4. ups_subscr

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk \\ | primary key \\ |
| ups_fk | Foreign key reference to ups table |
| aet | Subscriber AET \\ |
| deletion_lock | Deletion Lock Flag \\ |

h4. ups_glob_subscr

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk | primary key \\ |
| aet | Subscriber&nbsp; AET \\ |
| deletion_lock | Deletion Lock Flag \\ |

h4. published_study

|| Column || Description \\ ||
| pk | primary key \\ |
| study_fk | Foreign key reference to study table \\ |
| created_time | Creation time of the entry \\ |
| updated_time | Update time of the entry \\ |
| doc_uid | XDS Document UID \\ |
| docentry_uid | XDS Documentr Entry UID \\ | 
| repository_uid | UID of the XDS Repository \\ |
| status | XDS Export Status
* 0 = Study Completed
* 1 = Study Changed
* 2 = Deprecated \\ |

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