
Check File Status Service.




Directory/Mount Point of the monitored File System.
NONE = disabled this service.

Default Value: NONE


Only files created longer ago than the specified intervall ##w (in weeks), ##d (in days), ##h (in hours) are checked for status change.

Default Value: 1w


Checks files with the specified status for status change. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: TO_ARCHIVE


New file status, if the query command could not be executed. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: TO_ARCHIVE


New file status, if query command returns non-zero exit code. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED



New file status, if the query result does NOT match specified pattern. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: TO_ARCHIVE


New file status, if the query result does match specified pattern. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: ARCHIVED


Command to query status of specific file.

Default Value: mmls %i/%f


Regular expression, applied to stdout of command. Result determines if status is changed to MatchFileStatus or NoMatchFileStatus.

Default Value: .*\bArchived\b.*


Interval in which the File status is checked.
Format: <interval>'!'<from>'-'<to> | 'NEVER'
<interval> = ##m (in minutes) | ##h (in hours).
<from> = start hour (0-23) when no file status check should be performed
<to> = end hour (0-23) when no file status check should be performed
NEVER = disable file status checking
e.g.: 1h!9-17 = every hour, except between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.
By setting this type of TaskInterval, you can perform file status synchronisation outside of peak hours.

Default Value: NEVER


Maximum number of files which are checked for status change in one task.

Default Value: 1000


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=Scheduler


The timer ID for scheduler of checking file synchronization status.

Default Value: CheckSyncFileStatus


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Check files for status changes.
