
Used to list/add/remove AE configuration entities. This is a programmatic way of accessing the AE Title configuration, as an alternative to the AE Management Page of the Administration Web Application. This is used/required by various DICOM services (Query/Retrieve SCP, Storage Commitment SCU/SCP, DICOM Hanging Protocol SCP, etc.) to 'guess' the port number of peer DICOM Application Entities if no AE configuration entry for a given AE Title matches. 



<attribute access="read-only" getMethod="getAEs">
  <description>Configured application entities.&lt;br&gt;
  Use the addAE and removeAE commands  below to add and remove AE configurations.</description>

<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getAuditLoggerName" setMethod="setAuditLoggerName">
  <description>Used internally. Do not modify.
     <value value="dcm4chee.archive:service=AuditLogger"/>

<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getEchoServiceName" setMethod="setEchoServiceName">
  <description>Used internally. Do not modify.
     <value value="dcm4chee.archive:service=ECHOService"/>

<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getPortNumbers" setMethod="setPortNumbers">
  <description>Port numbers for AE auto configuration.&lt;br&gt;
                 The method getAE(title, hostname) use this list to find a DICOM service hosted by hostname.&lt;br&gt;
                 'NONE' will disable auto AE configuration!
     <value value="104,11112"/>

<attribute access="read-write" getMethod="isDontSaveIP" setMethod="setDontSaveIP">
  <description> This flag is used by auto AE configuration, if no hostname is available.&lt;br&gt;
                  Set this flag to false if you explicitly allow the saving of ip address.&lt;br&gt;
                  This should be only necessary if your network have static ip address and no name service active!&lt;br&gt;
                  Avoid this option if you use DHCP!
     <value value="true"/>


<operation impact="INFO">
 <description>Get list of AE Configurations</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Get AE Configuration</description>
   <description>AE Title</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Get AE Configuration</description>
   <description>AE Title</description>
   <description>Hostname or ip</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Get AE Configuration</description>
   <description>AE Title</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Update AE configuration</description>
   <description>Primary key of AE (use -1 for new AE)</description>
   <description>AE Title</description>
   <description>Hostname or ip</description>
   <description>Port number</description>
   <description>Cipher (seperated with ',')</description>
   <description>Enable/disable check if host can be resolved to an IP address</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Add AE configuration</description>
   <description>AE Title</description>
   <description>Hostname or ip</description>
   <description>Port number</description>
   <description>Cipher (seperated with ',')</description>
   <description>Enable/disable check if host can be resolved to an IP address</description>

<operation impact="ACTION">
 <description>Remove AE Configuration</description>