
You will have to successfully obtain the dcm4jboss-all collection of dcm4chee modules from CVS:

cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P dcm4jboss-all

Once you have done that, you need to build the software. At this point you're ready to start working within Eclipse.

Importing dcm4chee projects into Eclipse

It is recommended that you have an Eclipse workspace dedicated to dcm4che, since dcm4che may have different JVM and code formatting settings, as well as different classpath variables than your other projects.

Assuming you are starting with a clean workspace, import the code formatting settings from this wiki.

Set up classpath variables

Import the dcm4chee projects

Adding the dcm4che2/dcm4chee audit modules

Running dcm4chee from within Eclipse

Option 1: Remote debugging of a local installation

Option 2: Launch dcm4chee from within Eclipse