h2. Description
GPWL Feed Service. Used to add entries to the General Purpose Worklist, triggered by received MPPS N-Set messages.

h2. Dependencies

h2. Attributes

h4. [#LogStationAETitles] {anchor:LogStationAETitles}

List of the AE titles for Modalities for which XMLized MPPS attributes are logged into files _AET_{{/}}_timestamp_{{-mpps.xml}} in the log directory. Useful for creation of XSL stylesheets for GP Work Item creation. Separate multiple values by {{\}} (backslash).

*Default Value:* {{MESA_MOD\MODALITY1\MR3T}}

h4. [#PGPStationAETitles] {anchor:PGPStationAETitles}

List of the AE titles for Modalities which emits MPPS messages according the _Presentation of Grouped Procedure (PGP)_ defined by the {IHE Radiology Technical Framework|http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#radiology}. Separate multiple values by {{\}} (backslash).

*Default Value:* {{MESA_MOD\MODALITY1\MR3T}}

h4. [#AppendCaseStationAETitles] {anchor:AppendCaseStationAETitles}

List of the AE titles for Modalities which emits MPPS messages according the_Append Case_, with multiple MPPS objects refering the same Scheduled Procedure Step, _Relationship between Scheduled and Performed Procedure Steps_ defined by the {IHE Radiology Technical Framework|http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#radiology}. Separate multiple values by {{\}} (backslash).

*Default Value:* {{MESA_MOD\MODALITY1\MR3T}}

h4. [#WorkItemConfigDirectory] {anchor:WorkItemConfigDirectory}

Directory where configuration files for creation of work items are located: if XSL stylesheet {{mpps2gpwl.xsl}} exists in this directory or in a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of the modality, one (or several) work item(s) will be created on receive of the last object refered in the final MPPS, according these stylesheet. A relative path name is resolved relative to _archive-install-directory_{{/server/default/}}.

*Default Value:* {{conf/dcm4chee-ae}}

h4. [#EjbProviderURL] {anchor:EjbProviderURL}

Identifies JNDI (e.g: jnp://hostname:1099) with EJBs.
{{LOCAL}}, if EJBs are deployed in same JBoss instance.

*Default Value:* {{LOCAL}}

h4. [#IANScuServiceName] {anchor:IANScuServiceName}

Used internally. Do not modify.

*Default Value:* {{dcm4chee.archive:service=IANScu}}

h4. [#Name] {anchor:Name}

The class name of the MBean

h4. [#State] {anchor:State}

The status of the MBean

h4. [#StateString] {anchor:StateString}

The status of the MBean in text form

h2. Operations

h4. [#reloadStylesheets] {anchor:reloadStylesheets}

Reload Stylesheets

h4. [#create] {anchor:create}

Standard MBean lifecycle method

h4. [#start] {anchor:start}

The start lifecycle operation

h4. [#stop] {anchor:stop}

The stop lifecycle operation

h4. [#destroy] {anchor:destroy}

The destroy lifecycle operation

h4. [#jbossInternalLifecycle] {anchor:jbossInternalLifecycle}

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

h2. Notifications