
Lossy Compression Service. The Lossy Compression Service supports delayed, JPEG Lossy compression of received images.



The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form


Group ID of writable file systems which are scanned for image files to compress in configured #TaskInterval.



Interval in which the database is checked for image files located on writeable file systems of the configured #FileSystemGroupID to compress.

Format: interval[!from-to] or NEVER
interval = poll interval in seconds (##s), minutes (##m) or hours (##h).
from = start hour (0-23) when no compression should be performed
to = end hour (0-23) when no compression should be performed
NEVER = disable automatic compression

Example: 10s!9-17
means every 10 seconds, poll the database and check for images to compress, except between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

By setting this type of TaskInterval, you can ensure compression of images happens outside of peak imaging hours.

Default Value: NEVER


Current state if compression task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!


Maximum number of files that are compressed in one task.

Default Value: 1000


Specifies compression rules for particular SOP Class, Body Part Examined, Source AE Title.

Format: sop-class-name-or-uid:body-part:source-aet:delay:quality:ratio
sop-class-name-or-uid = the UID of the SOP class, or a string name defined in the dictionary.xml file under uids type="SOPClass"
body-part = Body Part Examined or '*'
source-aet = Source AE Title
delay = compression delay in minutes (##m), hours (##h) or days (##d)
quality = compression quality between 0 (= lowest image quality / highest compression ratio) and 1.0 (= highest quality / lowest compression ratio)
ratio = estimated compression ratio. Only used to fill attribute (0028,2112) Lossy Image Compression Ratio of compressed DICOM image

Default Value:


Source AE Title used by operation #compressSeriesJPEGLossy for new created Series.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Series Description used by operation #compressSeriesJPEGLossy for new created Series. '{}' will be replaced by Series Description of uncompressed objects.

Default Value: JPEG Lossy compressed {}


Size of write byte buffer.

Default Value: 8192


Directory to spool decompressed already lossless compressed files for its lossy compression. Relative path names are resolved relative to $DCM4CHEE_HOME/server/default/.

Default Value: tmp


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Compress specified file JPEG Lossy with specified quality. Prompts Compression Ratio, measured on file length and on bits per pixel.


Compress specified Series stored on given file-system group JPEG Lossy with specified quality. Prompts number of compressed images and minimum/average/maximum Compression Ratio, measured on file length and on bits per pixel.


Checked for image files located on writeable file systems of the configured #FileSystemGroupID to compress according the configured #CompressionRules.