jpdbi - Display and optionaly manipulate DCM4CHE Database entries.


jpdbi [options] [<LastName> [<FirstName> [<Birthdate>]]]

        -v|--version                   display version information
        -h|--help                      display extended help

        -U|--url <jdbcURL>             DB jdbcURL to connect
           --db <alias>                DB alias to connect

        Search options:
          -s|--studyiuid <iuid>        Study-IUID
          -S|--seriesiuid <iuid>       Series-IUID
          --issuer <ISSUER>            ISSUER
          --patid [ISSUER:]PATID       (ISSUER and) Patient-ID
          -d|--date [<date>|<n>]       StudyDate or n-past days
          -m|--modality <MODALITY>     Modality

          -q|--query <statement>       Extended query

        Display Options:
          -F                           include fieldnames
          --aet                        AET's
          --pks                        primary keys
          --study-level                patient+study
          --series-level                +series)
          --instance-level               +instance
          --path [--fs]                    +path [+FS information (FS-PK, Group)]
          --ignorenonempty             ignore patients with no studies/series/...

        Output Options:
          -O|--out <file> [-z|--gzip]   output to (gziped) <file>
          -E|--err <file>               error to <file>

        --jdbcurlhelp                   jdbcURL Syntax

        --debug                         debug mode


jpdbi will query DCM4CHE DB - via jdbc - so you will have access to the DCM4CHE data from command line and even if JBOSS ist not running.

If configured it will also allow updates/changes to the data. e.g. one can change the ISSUER on the PATIENT level both in the database and the DICOM Database BLOB.

jpdbi will display the date beginning at the PATIENT level down to FILES/FILESYSTEM level.