Release 0.7 ß1 and above

#. Remove or rename the directory previous versions of Oviyam
#. Download & unzip the latest version of Oviyam
#. Copy oviyam.war to your dcm4chee server under /
#. Point your browser to http://dcm4chee_ip:8080/oviyam
#. The first time it's opened in a browser, a property sheet will slide down. Fill out the connection information.

Release 0.6

  1. Unzip
  2. Copy oviyam.war to your dcm4chee server under /
  3. Point your browser to http://dcm4chee_ip:8080/oviyam
  4. The first time it's opened in a browser, a property sheet will slide down. Fill out the connection information.
The following values are for a default dcm4chee installation: