weasis-i18n is the internationalization project of weasis-framework. As a separate project, it can have its own release cycle. The fragments of plug-ins (OSGI concept) contain only the translation files.

Supported languages: French, Japanese 

Building Weasis-i18n


  1. Subversion (SVN), one of the following client:
  2. JDK 6 or higher (Sun or OpenJDK)
  3. Maven 2.2 or higher for building and deploying bundles (http://maven.apache.org/guides/index.html)

Check out the last tagged version

svn co http://weasis.repositoryhosting.com/svn_public/weasis_weasis-i18n/tags/weasis-i18n-1.0.7
cd weasis-i18n-1.0.7

Check out the trunk version

svn co http://weasis.repositoryhosting.com/svn_public/weasis_weasis-i18n/trunk weasis-i18n
cd weasis-i18n

Build the distribution

mvn clean package

The distribution files are located in the distribution/target/dist folder.

Building project with Eclipse requires a functional SVN command-line client

Public repository (read only access)


Browse online: https://weasis.repositoryhosting.com/trac/weasis_weasis-i18n/browser

Repository for translators (commit access)


Commit access requests must be sent to ~nroduit

Subversion configuration

Using Eclipse: see Configure SVN
subversion client on Linux: add to ~./subversion/config: global-ignores = *.classpath *.project *.settings target
Windows: Tortoise SVN, in settings > Subversion, add "*.classpath *.project *.settings target" to Global ignore pattern.

Build the distribution

Before building the distribution, it is required to commit all the modified files. Check if the local files are identical to the SVN repository with the command "svn status -u" and then "mvn clean package".

Properties editor

Software for translating: http://attesoro.org

With Eclipse, I recommend to use the properties editor http://propedit.sourceforge.jp. The properties files must be encoded in ISO-8859-1. In Window > Preferences > General > Content Types, select the "Properties File" in Text and enter "ISO-8859-1" in Default Encoding.

References for Java Locale:

To make a translation, be careful of the length of the text (especially for ui components like buttons) and some items have a space at the beginning or at the end.