weasis-i18n is the internationalization project of weasis-framework. As a separate project, it can have its own release cycle. The fragments of plug-ins (OSGI concept) contain only the translation files.

Supported languages: French, Japanese 

Binary Distributions

Download the internationalization plug-ins of the release 1.0.7 weasis-i18n.war or weasis-i18n.zip

Building Weasis-i18n


  1. Subversion (SVN), one of the following client:
  2. JDK 6 or higher (Sun or OpenJDK)
  3. Maven 3 or higher for building and deploying bundles (http://maven.apache.org/guides/index.html)

Subversion configuration

Using Eclipse: see Configure SVN
subversion client on Linux: add to ~./subversion/config: global-ignores = *.classpath *.project *.settings target
Windows: Tortoise SVN, in settings > Subversion, add "*.classpath *.project *.settings target" to Global ignore pattern.

Check out the last trunk version.

svn co http://weasis.repositoryhosting.com/svn_public/weasis_weasis-i18n/trunk weasis-i18n
cd weasis-i18n
mvn clean package

Public repository (read only access)


Browse online: https://weasis.repositoryhosting.com/trac/weasis_weasis-i18n/browser

Repository for translators (commit access)


Commit access requests must be sent to ~nroduit

Properties editor

Software for translating: http://attesoro.org

With Eclipse, I recommend to use the properties editor http://propedit.sourceforge.jp.

References for Java Locale:

To make a translation, be careful of the length of the text (especially for ui components like buttons) and some items have a space at the end.