DCM4CHEE Integration of Weasis

Build dcm4chee-web 2.15.0


  1. Subversion (SVN), one of the following client:
  2. JDK 5 or higher ( Sun or  OpenJDK)
  3. Ant 1.6 or higher

Getting the Source

To check out the code, first install Subversion and either checkout the trunk branch using a graphical Subversion client (such as TortoiseSVN) or directly from the command line using the command:

svn co https://dcm4che.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dcm4che/weasis/weasis_dcm4chee/trunk weasis-dcm4chee

This command will copy the current development code (the "trunk") into a local directory named weasis-dcm4chee.

Note: Sources can also be browsed online

Building dcm4chee-web.war

cd weasis-dcm4chee
ant dist

folder.=edit,move,delete,*view,*export,edit.newStudyUID,mergepat,study_permission,study_permission.free_role_action,query_has_issuer folder.*export=export_tf,export_xds



Rebuild dcm4chee-web from any version (Draft)