The translation files are now hosted and managed on [Transifex|] website. Get an account at [Transifex|] and help translating to your language\! If your language is missing, just head over to Transifex and request a new language.
{note:title=Be careful with text length}
The translations for many languages frequently exceed the length of the corresponding English source. It is a problem for ui components like buttons.
Some characters representing values (%d, %s) or new line (\n) must not be translated. For other translating recommendations, see [Transifex help|].

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TH><A href="" mce_href="" mce_style="text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:66%" style="text-decoration: none; color: black; font-size: 66%;" target="_blank" title="See more information on">Top translations: weasis » weasis-core-api-i18n</A></TH><TH><A href="" mce_href="" mce_style="text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:66%" style="text-decoration: none; color: black; font-size: 66%;" target="_blank" title="See more information on">Top translations: weasis » weasis-core-ui-i18n</A></TH><TH></TH></TR><TR><TD><IMG border="0" mce_src="" src=""></IMG></TD><TD><IMG border="0" mce_src="" src=""></IMG></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><A href="" mce_href="" target="_blank"><IMG border="0" mce_src="" src=""></IMG></A><BR></BR></TD><TD><BR mce_bogus="1"></BR></TD><TD><BR mce_bogus="1"></BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

h2. Building Weasis-i18n

[weasis-i18n|] is the internationalization project of [Weasis|]. As a separate project, it can have its own release cycle. The fragments of plug-ins ([OSGI concept|]) contain only the translation files which are merged during runtime to the application.

That means the weasis-i18n.war file can be deployed at any time. The plug-in translation will be updated by Weasis only if the timestamp number has changed. This timestamp is set during the build phase described below.

h4. Prerequisites

# JDK 6 or higher ([Sun|] or [OpenJDK|])
# Maven 2.2 or higher ([|])
{note}If your computer is behind a proxy server, [configure maven|].{note}
# Git (or directly download source from [gitub|]), one of the following client:
#* CLI on Linux or Mac OS X \-&nbsp; Install *git-core* package
#* Windows - [Tortoise Git|] \- (When installing msysgit be sure to choose *Unix style line endings*)
#* Eclipse - Install *egit*

h4. Getting the Source

To clone the repository, first install GIT and either clone using a graphical GIT client (such as Tortoise Git) or directly from the command line using the command:

git clone git://
This command will copy the current development code (the "master" branch) into a local directory named _weasis-i18n_.
_Note: Sources can also be_ _[browsed online|]_ or download as a [zip file|].

h4. Build the distribution

* Go in the _weasis-i18n_ directory, Compile and install all the plug-ins in the local Maven repository

mvn clean install -Dtransifex.credential="username:password"
All of the API calls on [Transifex|] require the user to be authenticated. So the value "username:password" must be replaced by your credential, see how to [create an account|].
The distribution files are located in the _weasis-i18n-dist/target/dist_ folder. weasis-i18n.war must be placed in the same base context as weasis.war (or the value of the property _weasis.i18n_ must be adapted in JNLP file). When Building weasis-portable, translation packs are automatically incorporated

Note: weasis-launcher-i18n is not dynamically updated. It must be imported in the Weasis source.