Java Coding Style

Java Code shall be formatted according Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Additional, indentations shall be done by (4)spaces, instead of tabs.

Eclipse 3.2 - and I guess also other Java IDEs - provides a Code Formatter option according the Java Convention by Sun. You may import the Eclipse Code Formatter Profile Java Conventions without tabs, which differs from Eclipse's build-in Java Convention Formatter Profile only by the Indentation Tab policy modified from Mixed to Spaces only.

Documentation of commitments in JIRA

Every commitment to the project CVS or SVN at Sourceforge should be assigned to (at least) one entry in JIRA, by including the JIRA issue key in the commit comment. Reformatting of source code should be done by separate commits with a comment like 'pretty format'.

About resolving and closing issues in JIRA

The Assignee shall set the status of an Open issue to Resolved, after the commitment of the modification into the CVS or SVN at Sourceforge. Resolved issues shall be Closed by the Reporter. If the Assignee is also the Reporter of an issue, the issue may direct be Closed my the Assignee, skipping the Resolved status. (s.o. JIRA Default Workflow).