Frequently Asked Questions about the dcm4che Project

Q: What's with all of these versions of dcm4che? 

A: dcm4che 1.x is the DICOM toolkit that is currently used by the dcm4chee-2.x (formerly called dcm4jboss) archive system.  The dcm4che-2.x (also known as dcm4che2) toolkit is a re-write of the dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit.  It will be integrated into the dcm4chee archive at some point in the future.  The dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit  is currently in maintenance mode, so new DICOM toolkit users should concentrate on the 2.x version.  The dcm4chee-3.x archive will be the next generation of the archive system.  It is being developed in components (currently the Audit Record Repository - ARR is in progress) which will likely be merged piecemeal into the dcm4chee-2.x archive, eventually replacing the 2.x line.