
The dcm4chee-wizard is a web-application that provides a graphical user interface for
configuration of DICOM devices compliant to the DICOM Application Configuration Management Profile,
specified in DICOM 2011, Part 15, Annex H.

In addition to the configuration of basic DICOM devices, the application has been
extended to allow for the configuration of dcm4che specific DICOM implementations, such
as the DICOM proxy (dcm4chee-proxy) and XDS.b applications (dcm4chee-xds).

Supported configuration backends include LDAP and Java Preferences.



Building the dcm4chee-wizard and dependencies requires Maven 3.

Before building dcm4chee-wizard, check out and build the following projects:


> mvn install -P {standalone|proxy|jdbc|jdbc-proxy}

standalone: basic web-app with configuration options for supported devices
proxy: in addition to standalone includes dcm4chee-proxy web-application (bundle)
jdbc: in addition to standalone contains a deployment dependency for use with
dcm4che-jdbc-prefs, a wrapper for storage of Java Preferences data in a SQL backend.
jdbc-proxy: combination of proxy and jdbc profiles




To run dcm4chee-wizard within JBoss AS7 requires dcm4che-jboss-modules to be installed,
which can be found in the dcm4che-3.x DICOM Toolkit (
Unpack dcm4che-jboss-modules-<version>.zip into the JBoss AS7 folder.

Container Configuration

Create a directory dcm4chee-wizard inside the container configuration directory
(e.g. <jbossDir>/standalone/configuration/dcm4chee-wizard)
and copy all files from dcm4chee-wizard/dcm4chee-wizard-war/src/main/etc/ into it.
Alternatively, specify the directory path with the 'dcm4chee-wizard.cfg.path' system property.
Strings specified with


will be evaluated accordingly

If planned to use Java Preferences as configuration backend, delete the file from <jbossDir>/standalone/configuration/dcm4chee-wizard/.

If planned to use a LDAP configuration backend, edit the file
and set the connection and authentication parameters according
to the LDAP server configuration.


To run dcm4chee-wizard in a JBoss AS7 instance, deploy
via the JBoss command line interface or by copying it into e.g. <jbossDir>/standalone/deployments/.


i) make sure the JBoss instance is running

ii) start the command line interface: <jbossDir>/bin/ -c

iii) call the deploy procedure: deploy <buildPath>/dcm4chee-wizard-war-<version>.war

Configuration of supported device service

For each device with network services supported by the wizard (currently dcm4chee-proxy and dcm4chee-xds),
configure the following system property in the container configuration
(e.g. <jbossDir>/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml)


In case the wizard was compiled with the profile 'proxy', the bundled proxy application
can be configured as followed:


Use the 'New Device' button to create a configuration for a network entity.
Supported configuration types are described below.

Basic Device

A basic device can be used to describe network entities such as modalities or workstation.
The available configuration options are based on the DICOM standard and include
DICOM device parameters, network connection parameters,
DICOM network application entity parameters including transfer capabilities supported by the AET,
as well as HL7 application parameters.

Proxy Device

A proxy device extends the basic device with support for dcm4chee-proxy specific configuration options.

Additional Device Attributes

Additional Device Sub-Nodes

Additional Network AE Attributes

Additional Network AE Sub-Nodes

Forward Rules

Allows configuration of filter rules to be applied on incoming data


Forward Options

Allows configuration of sending options for destination AET



Allows configuration of retry conditions



Definition of coercion templates


Audit Record Repository

Provides a network entity for audit loggers to send data to.