Rebuild dcm4chee-web

This page is obsolete, please go to the new Weasis website

Rebuild dcm4chee-web

Build dcm4chee-web 2.15.0, 2.16.2 or 2.17.0


  1. Subversion (SVN), one of the following client:
    • Subversion - The core system (server, client, libs)
    • Subversive - SVN Team Client (Eclipse plugin)
    • TortoiseSVN - Handy SVN client for Windows systems
  2. JDK 5 or higher (Sun or OpenJDK)
  3. Ant 1.6 or higher

Getting the Source

To check out the code, first install Subversion and either checkout the trunk branch using a graphical Subversion client (such as TortoiseSVN) or directly from the command line using the command:

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/dcm4che/svn/weasis/weasis_dcm4chee/trunk/2.17.0 weasis-dcm4chee-2.17.0

This command will copy the current development code (the "trunk") into a local directory named weasis-dcm4chee-2.17.0.

Note: Sources can also be browsed online

Building dcm4chee-web.war

  • Go in the weasis-dcm4chee directory
  • Compile and make the dcm4chee-web.war (in weasis-dcm4chee/dist folder)
ant dist
  • Modify the permission in /dcm4jboss-web/src/etc/conf/dcm4chee-web/folder.permissions or in server/default/conf/dcm4chee-web if dcm4chee is already installed

folder.*=edit,move,delete,view,*export,edit.newStudyUID,mergepat,study_permission,study_permission.free_role_action,query_has_issuer folder.*export=export_tf,export_xds



Rebuild dcm4chee-web from any version (Draft)

1. Make a project to rebuild dcm4chee-web

  • Download a dcm4chee package (any db package, ex. dcm4chee-2.14.7-mysql.zip)
  • Create new Java project (see example of dcm4chee-web 2.17.0, Eclipse project)
  • Extract dcm4chee-web.war
  • Link required binaries (commons-codec.jar,dcm4che.jar,dcm4chee-ejb-client.jar,jboss-j2ee.jar,servlet-api.jar,slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar) to the project from default/lib/ or from jboss 4.2.3 (if not installed in dcm4chee)
  • Link required binaries (maverick.jar and dcm4chee-web.jar) from ddcm4chee-web/WEB-INF/lib/
  • Add viewer.gif in dcm4chee-web/images
  • Add launcher.properties in dcm4chee-web/viewer
  • Add java sources in src folder
  • Move the content of the WEB-INF/classes in etc/message
  • Copy build.xml and modify it if necessary

2. Replace in maverick.xml:

<controller class="org.dcm4chex.archive.web.maverick.FolderSubmitCtrl" />
<controller class="org.dcm4chex.archive.web.maverick.FolderSubmitCtrl2" />

3. Add text for Weasis button

  • in dcm4chee-web/translate.dtd
    <!ENTITY ViewSelectedEntities "View selected Entities in Weasis">
  • in dcm4chee-web/de/translate.dtd
    <!ENTITY ViewSelectedEntities "Ausgewählte Entitäten in Weasis sehen">
  • in dcm4chee-web/fr/translate.dtd
    <!ENTITY ViewSelectedEntities "Visualiser la sélection dans Weasis">
  • in dcm4chee-web/jp/translate.dtd
    <!ENTITY ViewSelectedEntities "View selected Entities in Weasis">

4. Modify dcm4chee-web/folder-tpl.xsl

  • add after <xsl:param name="folder.delete" select="'false'" />
    <xsl:param name="folder.view" select="'false'" />
  • add after <xsl:if test="$folder.delete='true'"> … </xsl:if>
         <xsl:if test="$folder.view='true'">
             <td width="40">
                 <input type="image" value="View" name="view" src="images/view.gif"
                     alt="view" border="0" title="&ViewSelectedEntities;"
                     onclick="return confirm('&ViewSelectedEntities;?')">
                     <xsl:if test="total &lt;= 0">
                         <xsl:attribute name="disabled">disabled </xsl:attribute>

5. Rebuild WAR with "ant dist" and get dcm4chee-web.war in dist folder

6. Modify the permission in /dcm4jboss-web/src/etc/conf/dcm4chee-web/folder.permissions or in server/default/conf/dcm4chee-web if dcm4chee is already installed

folder.*=edit,move,delete,view,*export,edit.newStudyUID,mergepat,study_permission,study_permission.free_role_action,query_has_issuer folder.*export=export_tf,export_xds



7. Place the dcm4chee-web.war and the weasis.war (see Building Weasis from source) to the deploy folder of dcm4chee