Image Manager Tests

Image Manager Tests

Image Manager/Archive Tests

Test Description provided by Mesa: http://ihedoc.wustl.edu/mesasoftware/9.10.5/doc/pdf/image_manager.pdf

MESA Configuration

Adjust entries for Application Entity Title, host and port of DCM4CHEE in the MESA test configuration $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr/imgmgr_test.cfg

# These entries describe the system under test
TEST_HL7_HOST = dcm4chee-host
TEST_HL7_PORT = 2575

TEST_MPPS_HOST = dcm4chee-host

TEST_CSTORE_HOST = dcm4chee-host

TEST_COMMIT_HOST = dcm4chee-host

TEST_CFIND_HOST = dcm4chee-host

TEST_CMOVE_HOST = dcm4chee-host

TEST_PPM_HOST = dcm4chee-host

DCM4CHEE Configuration

Add entires for MESA DICOM Application Entities using the AE Management function of the Web Application:

MESA Order Filler - receives forwarded MPPS and Instance Availability Notification (IAN) messages

AE Title:






MESA Modality - receives Storage Commitment Result messages

AE Title:






and - because different tests use different(warning) Calling AETs for sending Storage Commiment Requests

AE Title:









AE Title:






Note: MR3T/Issuer: for 2.14.*, you need this issuer for ImageManager Test 103 to succeed (because otherwise,
the MWL Entry will be for a patient with the same ID but without an IssuerOfPatient ID).

MESA Workstation - acts as MOVE destination for retrieve tests

AE Title:






Activate forwarding of received MPPS messages to the MESA Order Filler by setting Modality Performed Procedure Step SCU service attribute


using the JMX Management Console http://localhost:8080/jmx-console.

Activate notification of the MESA Order Filler, when all instances referenced in one MPPS were received, by setting IAN SCU service attribute


using the JMX Management Console http://localhost:8080/jmx-console.

Run and evaluate the tests

Start the Mesa Servers

$ cd {{$MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr
$ perl scripts/start_mesa_servers.pl

Image Manager Test 103: PIR Case 1: Unidentified Patient Registered at ADT and Ordered at the Order Placer

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 103 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 103/eval_103.pl 1 DCM4CHEE DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 103/grade_103.txt

Image Manager Test 105: PIR Case #3: Unidentified Patient Registered at ADT but Completed at Modality Prior to Order

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 105 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 105/eval_105.pl 1 DCM4CHEE DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 105/grade_105.txt

Image Manager Test 106: Green

Start the test:

$ perl  106/106_imgmgr.pl

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

(info) The MESA tools do not evaluate this test.

Image Manager Test 109: Exception Management

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 109 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 109/eval_109.pl 1 DCM4CHEE DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 109/grade_109.txt

Image Manager Test 111: Performed Work Status Update

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=45 )

Image Manager Test 131: Administrative and Procedure Performance Process Flow

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 131 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 131/eval_131.pl 1 DCM4CHEE DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 131/grade_131.txt

Image Manager Test 132: Order Change Flow Initiated by Order Filler

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 132 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

(info) The MESA tools do not evaluate this test.

Image Manager Test 133: PIR Case 2: Unidentified Patient Registered at ADT and Ordered at Department System Scheduler/Order Filler

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 133 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 133/eval_133.pl 1 DCM4CHEE DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 131/grade_131.txt

Image Manager Test 134: Instance Availability Notification

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_swf.pl 134 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

(error) The eval script of this test in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) is broken (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=62 )

Image Manager Test 401: Modalities in Study

If not already done for previous 40x tests, send test images for 6 studies to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 40x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 401/401_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 401/eval_401.pl

which should results in

Test 401 passed.

Image Manager Test 402: Related Series/SOP Instances

If not already done for previous 40x tests, send test images for 6 studies to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 40x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 402/402_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 402/eval_402.pl

which should results in

Test 402 passed.

Image Manager Test 404: Image Specific Queries

If not already done for previous 40x tests, send test images for 6 studies to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 40x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 404/404_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 404/eval_404.pl

which should results in

Test 404 passed.

Image Manager Test 405: Storage Commitment

Produce test images and clear the MESA image manager (it is not required to clear also the archive):

$ perl 405/produce_images.pl
$ perl scripts/clearMESA.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 405/405_imgmgr.pl

which should results in

Association negotiation tests passed.

Results in 405/grade_405.txt

Send test images for four studies to DCM4CHEE:

$ perl 405/load_img_mgr.pl

Send storage commitment requests for two studies to DCM4CHEE:

$ perl 405/c405a.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 405/e405a.pl DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Image Manager Storage Commitment Test passed

Report is in file 405/grade_405a.txt

Image Manager Test 411: Presentation State Query

If not already done for previous 40x tests, send test images for 6 studies to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 40x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 411/411_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 411/eval_411.pl

which should results in

Test 411 passed.

Image Manager Test 412: Presentation State Retrieve

If not already done for previous 40x tests, send test images for 6 studies to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 40x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 412/412_imgmgr.pl

(info) You can ignore the error message:

Some error in the C-Move transmission
Could not send query 412/r412b.dcm to your Manager

Evaluate the test

$ perl 412/eval_412.pl

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 412/grade_412.txt

Image Manager Test 413: Key Object Note Query

If not already done for Test 414, send test objects to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 41x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 413/413_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 413/eval_413.pl  DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 413/grade_413.txt

Image Manager Test 414: Key Object Note Retrieve

If not already done for Test 413, send test objects to DCM4CHEE and the MESA image manager:

$ perl 41x/load_img_mgr.pl

Run the test:

$ perl 414/414_imgmgr.pl

(info) You can ignore the error message:

Some error in the C-Move transmission
Could not send C-Move request

(s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=48 )

Evaluate the test

$ perl 414/eval_414.pl

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 414/grade_414.txt

Image Manager Test 1402: Store Evidence Documents

Run the test:

$ perl 1402/load_img_mgr.pl

(info) There is no evaluation script for this test. Successful completion of this test is prerequisite for completion of the remaining 140x tests

Image Manager Test 1403: Query Evidence Documents

Run the test:

$ perl 1403/1403_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 1403/eval_1403.pl

which should results in

Test 1403 passed.

Image Manager Test 1404: Retrieve Evidence Documents

Run the test:

$ perl 1404/1404_imgmgr.pl

Evaluate the test

$ perl 1404/eval_1404.pl

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 1404/grade_1404.txt

Image Manager Test 1412: PWF CT

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=64 )

Image Manager Test 1421: PWF Double Claim

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=67 )

Image Manager Test 1422: PWF Release Claim

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=68 )

Image Manager Test 1701: Evidence Document Management in Scheduled Workflow

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=48 )

Image Manager Cardiology Test

Change the working directory for running Cardiology Test

$ cd $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/card/actors/imgmgr

You may reuse the adjusted MESA configuration for Radiology Tests also for Cardiology Tests:

$ cp $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr/imgmgr_test.cfg $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/card/actors/imgmgr/

Image Manager Test 20106: C5: Patient NOT Registered (no Order)

(error) Broken in current MESA tool version (10.12.0) (s. http://ihe.univ-rennes1.fr/flyspray/?do=details&id=119 )

Image Manager Test 20725: STRESS Storage SOP Classes

Run the test:

$ perl 20725/eval_20725.pl 1

which should results in

0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 20725/grade_20725.txt

Image Manager Fusion Test

Change the working directory back to

$ cd $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr

Image Manager Test 3512: Spatial Registration Storage and Storage Commitment

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_fusion.pl 3512 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 3512/eval_3512.pl 1 DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 3512/grade_3512.txt

Image Manager Test 3540: BSPS Storage and Storage Commitment

Start the test:

$ perl scripts/imgmgr_fusion.pl 3540 1

and repeat entering RETURN, until the test script exits.

Evaluate the test

$ perl 3540/eval_3540.pl 1 DCM4CHEE

which should results in

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 3540/grade_3540.txt

Image Manager Test 3920: Mammo Storage SOP Classes

Run the test:

$ perl 3920/eval_3920.pl 1

which should results in

0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>
0 <1.2.840.10008.> <1.2.840.10008.>

Total Differences: 0
Logs stored in 3920/grade_3920.txt

Stop the Mesa Servers

$ perl stop_mesa_servers.pl

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