Who uses dcm4che?

Who uses dcm4che?

The dcm4che suite of applications (DICOM toolkit, archive, etc.) are used worldwide by healthcare providers, research projects, open source applications, as well as commercial applications.  If your application or project uses dcm4che, please add it to this list!

  • The Cardiac Atlas Project, an international research project, uses a fork of dcm4chee together with eXistDB for storage of cardiac MRI and volumetric models.
  • OpenMRS

    The global OpenMRS community works together to build the world's leading open source enterprise electronic medical record system platform.
    We’ve come together to specifically respond to those actively building and managing health systems in the developing world, where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria afflict the lives of millions of people.

  • www.skanhealthcaresystems.info: We gracefully integrate DCM4CHE with our Hospital Clinical System Software to send Imaging Schedule Request from our system to DCM4CHE pacs.
  • TeraMedica Healthcare Technologies uses the 1.x and 2.x DICOM toolkits in some test tools written for internal use at the company.  In addition, the dcm4chee archive is used as one of the systems that we perform integration tests against.
  • Essential Enterprise Solutions creates Smart, Simple, Cost-effective open architecture solutions that are built upon IHE promoted standards such as DICOM, HL7 and Internet technologies which leverage incredible value and advances in digital connectivity and storage technologies. Our web-based solutions offer hospitals, imaging centers and physicians flexible, affordable and secure methods for film to digital conversion, on-site and off-site data storage and access and distribution of medical data and digital images. Our developers are active in dcm4chee and Osirix.
  • Teleradiology Services an LLC uses dcm4che PACS server for their DICOM image server for a national teleradiology company to port images from Clients to Radiology Workstations.
  • Radiology Institut Dr. Fink / Dr. Pichler, uses  two dcm4chee servers, one main pacs and a backup system. Modalities are CT, MR, CR and viewing siemens workstations. All old dicom images from CT-GE and Visagepacs have been imported with the 2.x Dicom toolkits. The servers are located in Europe, lower Austria.
  • JanigaLabs uses dcm4chee as a central part of the PACS we maintain for Na Homolce hospital.
  • The Radiological Society of North America uses the 1.x DICOM toolkit for the open-source Medical Imaging Resource Center (MIRC) project. (Conversion to 2.x will occur by the end of 2006.) In the MIRC project (http://mircwiki.rsna.org), dcm4che is used in:
    • a teaching file and clinical trial server (MIRC),
    • an image acquisition tool (FieldCenter) used for clinical trials,
    • an implementation of the IHE TCE Export Manager (ExportManager)
    • a DICOM anonymizer which is part of many MIRC components,
    • a DICOM image viewer and editor (DicomEditor),
    • a DICOM image distribution tool (DicomRouter), and
    • a file transmission program (FileSender).
  • UCLA's Medical Imaging Informatics Group uses the dcm4che toolkit extensively in the openSourcePACS project (http://www.mii.ucla.edu/openSourcePACS/).  It currently provides:
    • Referral order web application for scheduling exams and viewing results
    • Radiology workstation to create DICOM presentation state and structured reports
    • Simple archive
  • dcm4ceph is a tool that aims to aid the conversion of cepahlogram images into the DICOM format. It follows a proposed standard published as a Masters Thesis project at the Universidade de Brasília in September 2006 available from http://panio.antoniomagni.org.
  • The Department of Radiation Oncology in the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University has created several custom utilities using the DICOM toolkit that provide valuable services to our clinic:
    • flexible archiving of files,
    • editing of DICOM tags,
    • and access to image data for research purposes.
  • The good people of the MARiS-OF project use the dcm4che toolkit libraries to develop their DICOM and HL7 interfaces.
  • The Department of Radiation Oncology in the Washington University School of Medicine uses the dcm4che DICOM toolkit for DICOM Export and Optional Import within the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) project.
  • In the Open Three (O3) Consortium project, dcm4che toolkit is used for the following systems:
    • O3-RWS the Open Three Radiology Workstation of the Open Three (O3) Consortium, is an Open Source, DICOM based, Internationalized, Modular and Portable Image Display actor plus the integration of several other IHE actors. It uses dcm4che libraries for the DICOM communication and for the image reading process. Main features:
      •  Patient history panel
      •  Study/series preview
      •  MIRC query/creation tool
      •  Enhanced Multimonitor support/optimization
      •  Local files explorer
      •  Internationalization (English, German, Italian, Russian, Slovenian, and any the language available on demand
      •  Full remote support available on demand, through internet or dedicated channels, with very fast response times
    • O3-DPACS, "Open Three Data & Picture Archiving and Communication System" of the Open Three (O3) Consortium, is a DICOM & HL7 based IHE compliant Open Source PACS extended to any type of data. It uses dcm4che libraries for the DICOM & HL7 communication. Main features:
      • IHE Image Manager/Archive
      • XDS publishing support
      • ATNA security support
      • Reporting workflow support
      • Remote Administration
      • Internationalization (English, Italian, Slovenian, and any the language available on demand)
      • Full remote support available on demand, through internet or dedicated channels, with very fast response times
  • SecureRAD utilizes dcm4chee as a component of its on and offsite medical image archive services. SecureRAD is a provider of innovative technology solutions and consulting services for the medical imaging community.
  • opendicom utilizes dcm4chee as a component of its on and offsite medical image archive services. Opendicom is an uruguayan service company using and contributing to opensource software specialized in dicom conectivity, storage, distribution, viewing, workflow, integration with IHE and custom solutions design. Developpers of opendicom are active in dcm4chee, osirix, K-Pacs, Charruasoft.
  • osirixinvites its users (mac platform) to trust only solid PACS and refers to dcm4chee on Apple Mac OSX and to Pablo Sau's "CDmedic" adaptation of CTN to the Macintosh platform.
  • Institute of Clinical Physyologya CNR institute of Italy, uses the dcm4chee application as the Image manager for all images coming from all modalities present in the institute, these are Xray angiography, Magnetic Resonance imaging, CT-PET, Ultrasound, Digital Radiography. Also it uses the dcm4che library to implement some crucial services involving DICOM protocol.
  • The Innovation Centre of Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS) uses dcm4chee as an experimental PACS server and as an Open Source framework to support researches in the creation of an S-PACS (Surgical PACS) based on S-DICOM (DICOM for Surgery).
  • J4Care utilizes dcm4che components within its services.J4Careoffers citizens services for improved access to better health systems with the goal to empower both patients and healthcare professionals.
  • The University of Maryland Medical System as an archive for a mini PACS reading all of the cases sent by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), formerly INS, with an average of 250 new studies per day.
  • Accurate Software Design members support the dcm4che project and community, and make commercial use of the components in custom development projects for clients. Accurate Software Design specializes in developing standards-based healthcare IT solutions using the dcm4che toolkits and dcm4chee enterprise components. The company also offers consulting and training on the dcm4chee platform.
  • Kanteron Systems proudly uses dcm4chee as a component of its digital medical image archive solution. Kanteron Systems is a worldwide provider of technology solutions for the healthcare industry.
  • IDI - Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge, uses dcm4chee in the eight public hospitals in Catalonia. We have two dcm4chee of 13Tb each in Vall d'Hebron Hospital, another on Bellvitge Hospital, etc.
  • iCRco Clarity PACS utilizes the dcm4chee archive.
  • OnePacs makes use of the dcm4chee archive and DICOM toolkit.
  • A-thon uses the dcm4chee and dcm4che toolkits. A-thon offers high quality services for the design, installation and maintenance of ICT solutions based on opensource software and IHE profiles.
  • Animati Computação Aplicada, Brazilian company, uses dcm4chee and the toolkits as the basis for their PACS solutions.
  • 24/7 Radiology, a leading teleradiology services provider, uses dcm4che for DICOM testing and debugging, and dcm4chee for teaching file storage.
  • The fantastic eUnity Flash-based viewer runs on the dcm4chee platform in their default configuration.
  • Direct Diagnostic Alliance uses dcm4chee as a teleradiology server to support their subspeciality reporting services covering neuroradiology body imaging and MSK.
  • ProSmart List of our dcm4chee integration is:
    • Implementation of miniPACS system, Radiotherapy department, Clinical center, Nis, Serbia
    • Implementation of miniPACS system, Radiotherapy department, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
    • Implementation of Linux cluster PACS system at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
    • Implementation of miniPACS system in the Institute for Nuclear Medicine, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
    • Implementation of miniPACS system, private radiology practice "Ultrasound Trkuljic", Belgrade, Serbia
    • Implementation of Linux cluster PACS system. Integration with Siemens modalities (CT, PET/CT, MRI, angiography,) and Elekta GammaKnife Perfexion, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade
    • Implementation of PACS system, University of Defense, Belgrade, Serbia. System is used for student teaching and learning

    • Implementation of PACS system, Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia. PACS is connected with Siemens modalities and with Elekta's Monaco treatment planning system

  • LA BioMed uses dcm4chee as a PACS archive.
  • BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language) uses dcm4chee as PACS Server and Mayam as Client
  • MetaEmotion Healthcare, an spanish company, uses extensively dcm4chee in all their projects and in the development of their open source multi-platform workstation: Ginkgo CADx.
  • The eHealth and eDependence Cluster of i2CAT Foundation working in i2Health Sant Pau, an spanish knowledge center expert in the field of medicine and information technologies, uses dcm4chee PACs and implements their own dicom toolkit funcionalities based on dcm4che2. 
  • ProRadis - Radiologia, Brazilian company, uses dcm4chee and the toolkits for their SmartRIS and Image2Doc.
  • Peake Healthcare Innovations uses the dcm4chee archive as the core DICOM engine within it's product suite.
  • itMD makes use of the dcm4che DICOM toolkit and dcm4chee archive within various components of its cloud-based image sharing platform.
  • www.serquip.net
  • Tiaris uses dcm4chee on its RIS-PACS solutions development, contributing both private sector medical radiology enterprises and public hospitals on their radiology departments management, as well as some colleges by training radiologists to use this powerful tool.

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