Weasis commands
Commands at start-up and commands for driving Weasis from a socket
The commands listed below can be applied at start-up or in a telnet session. All the commands starting by "dcmview2d:" allow to drive Weasis and are not adapted to be used at start-up.
Commands status
This page matches to Weasis 2.5.1 or higher
The syntax of usage comes from POSIX
For getting the list of commands, after starting Weasis, open a local telnet session:
telnet localhost 17179 Trying Connected to localhost.localdomain. Escape character is '^]'. ____________________________ Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo g!
Type "lb" for getting the list of bundles and their state.
Type "help" for getting all the available commands.
Modifying the default port number
This value can be changed in the configuration of the launcher (by overriding the property or with a new jnlp template)
Here are the list of Weasis specific commands:
g! dcmview2d:layout Select a split-screen layout Usage: dcmview2d:layout ( -n NUMBER | -i ID ) -n --number=NUMBER select the best matching number of views -i --id=ID select the layout from its identifier -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:mouseLeftAction Change the mouse left action Usage: dcmview2d:mouseLeftAction COMMAND COMMAND is (sequence|winLevel|zoom|pan|rotation|crosshair|measure|draw|contextMenu|none) -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:move Pan the selected image Usage: dcmview2d:move -- X Y X and Y are Integer. It is mandatory to have '--' (end of options) for negative values -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:reset Reset image display Usage: dcmview2d:reset (-a | COMMAND...) COMMAND is (winLevel|zoom|pan|rotation) -a --all reset to original display -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:scroll Scroll into the images of the selected series Usage: dcmview2d:scroll ( -s NUMBER | -i NUMBER | -d NUMBER) -s --set=NUMBER set a new value from 1 to series size -i --increase=NUMBER increase of some amount -d --decrease=NUMBER decrease of some amount -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:synch Set a synchronization mode Usage: dcmview2d:synch VALUE VALUE is (None|Stack|Tile) -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:wl Change the window/level values of the selected image (increase or decrease into a normalized range of 4096) Usage: dcmview2d:wl -- WIN LEVEL WIN and LEVEL are Integer. It is mandatory to have '--' (end of options) for negative values -? --help show help
g! dcmview2d:zoom Change the zoom value of the selected image Usage: dcmview2d:zoom (set VALUE | increase NUMBER | decrease NUMBER) -s --set=VALUE [decimal value] set a new value from 0.0 to 12.0 (zoom magnitude, 0.0 => default, -200.0 => best fit, -100.0 => real size) -i --increase=NUMBER increase of some amount -d --decrease=NUMBER decrease of some amount -? --help show help
g! dicom:get Load DICOM files remotely or locally Usage: dicom:get ([-l PATH]... [-r URI]... [-p] [-i DATA]... [-w URI]...) PATH is either a directory(recursive) or a file -l --local=PATH open DICOMs from local disk -r --remote=URI open DICOMs from an URI -p --portable open DICOMs from configured directories at the same level of the executable -i --iwado=DATA open DICOMs from an XML manifest (GZIP-Base64) -w --wado=URI open DICOMs from an XML manifest -? --help show help
g! dicom:close Close DICOM files Usage: dicom:close (-a | ([-y UID]... [-s UID]...)) -a --all close all the patients -y --study=UID close a study, UID is Study Instance UID -s --series=UID close a series, UID is Series Instance UID -? --help show help
g! image:get Load images remotely or locally Usage: image:get ([-f file]... [-u url]...) -f --file=FILE open an image from a file -u --url=URL open an image from an URL -? --help show help
g! image:close Close images Usage: dicom:close (-a | ([-g UID]... [-s UID]...)) -a --all close all series -g --group=UID close a group from its UID -s --series=UID close an series/image from its UID -? --help show help
g! weasis:info Show information about Weasis Usage: weasis:info (-v | -a) -v --version show version -a --all show weasis specifications -? --help show help
g! weasis:ui Manage user interface Usage: weasis:ui (-q | -v) -q --quit shutdown Weasis -v --visible set window on top -? --help show help
g! acquire:patient Load Patient Context from the first argument Usage: acquire:patient (-x | -i | -s | -u) arg arg is an XML text in UTF8 or an url with the option '--url' -x --xml open Patient Context from an XML data containing all DICOM Tags -i --inbound open Patient Context from an XML data containing all DICOM Tags, decoding syntax is [Base64/GZip] -s --iurlsafe open Patient Context from an XML data containing all DICOM Tags, decoding syntax is [Base64_URL_SAFE/GZip] -u --url open Patient Context from an URL (XML file containing all DICOM TAGs) -? --help show help
Commands at start-up
For identifying the commands at start-up, the symbol "$" must be added before the command (not required in the OSGI console).
Weasis Portable distribution
There are two ways to open local images with the portable distribution.
Load images automatically from configured directory
Set images into a “dicom” or “images” directory at the same level of the binary launcher (c.f. weasis-win32.exe). The default directories can be changed in weasis/conf/config.properties, see the property "weasis.portable.dicom.directory" and "weasis.portable.dicom.cache".
Launch Weasis by double clicking on the executable file or in command-line (c.f. on Linux: ./weasis-linux.sh '$dicom:get --portable')
Launch arguments
./viewer-linux.sh '$dicom:get -l /home/Images/' Multiple commands: ./viewer-linux.sh '$dicom:get -l "/DICOM/Overlay"' '$weasis:ui --visible' Local directories (recursive) or files: ./viewer-linux.sh '$dicom:get -l "/DICOM/Overlay" -l "/DICOM/test/file.dcm"' Open non DICOM images (Local and URL): ./viewer-linux.sh '$image:get -f "/home/Images/test.png" -u https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/3670024/weasis-mpr.png'
viewer-win32.exe $dicom:get -l "E:\\DICOM\\Overlay" -l "E:\\DICOM\\Shutter" viewer-win32.exe $dicom:get -l "E:/DICOM/Overlay" -l "E:/DICOM/Shutter"
Special characters
The command interpreter has changed from weasis 2.6.0. Command containing special characters like '&' must be within quotes or double quotes. Example:
dicom:get -w "http://launcher-weasis.rhcloud.com/weasis-pacs-connector/manifest?studyUID=2.16.756."
It also depends of the command line system. For instance, in Eclipse the launcher parameters needs to escape get an escaped '&', so the command is:
$dicom:get -w "http://launcher-weasis.rhcloud.com/weasis-pacs-connector/manifest?studyUID=2.16.756.\&studyUID=\&studyUID="