Menu Bar in Weasis 2.0.3

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Menu Bar in Weasis 2.0.3

  • OPEN - allow to open DICOM image and any images in TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PNM formats and perform measurements on it.

  • IMPORT- allow to import DICOM images from either LOCAL storage or CD-ROM.

  • EXPORT - allow to export DICOM image or the active Images to LOCAL storage by either SELECTED VIEW TO CLIPBOARD, SELECTED VIEW TO CLIPBOARD(only real size image), or DICOM.

  • PRINT - allow to print DICOM images or Images into PAPER (Print 2D Viewer Layout) or FILM (DICOM Print).

  • Preferences - allow to edit Language, Font and other GUI materials.

  • Toolbars - allow to check and uncheck which can hide and show TOOL BAR Menu at the most top corner.

  • Tools - allow to check and uncheck which can hide and show SIDE BAR Menu at the right side corner.

  • allow to view an Image in different aspects like 3D, Presets, LUT, Filter, and Orientation.