- Open Run > Debug Configurations...
- Create a new Java Application
- In the Main tab, enter:
- Project: weasis-launcher
- Main Class: org.weasis.launcher.WeasisLauncher
- In the Arguments tab
Program arguments, examples for loading DICOM locally:
No Format $dicom:get -l "/home/user/Images/MRIX LUMBAR" "/home/user/Images/Dicom Test" $dicom:get -l "D:\\images\\dicom"
Tip title More commands See Weasis commands
In Eclipse launcher, '&' needs to be escaped in parameters, so for instance:
$dicom:get -w "http://launcher-weasis.rhcloud.com/weasis-pacs-connector/manifest?studyUID=2.16.756.\&studyUID=\&studyUID="
VM arguments, minimal configuration:
No Format -Xms32m -Xmx512m -Dgosh.args="-sc telnetd -p 17179 start" -Dmaven.localRepository="your_path/.m2/repository"
Info title maven.localRepository The maven.localRepository parameter is not required any more from weasis 2.6.0.
Replace your_path by your real path and use standard URL syntax, ex : "C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/.m2/repository")
Other VM arguments
No Format Configuration relative to the launcher directory: -Dfelix.config.properties=file:target/conf/config.properties -Dfelix.extended.config.properties=file:target/conf/ext-config.properties -Dfelix.extended.config.properties=file:target/conf/ext-dicomizer.properties URL -Dfelix.extended.config.properties=file:http://mysite.com/weasis/conf/ext-config.properties
Info title Meaning of the properties - felix.config.properties defines the location of config.properties (the OSGI configuration and the list of plug-ins to install/start)
- felix.extended.config.properties defines the location of ext-config.properties (extends/overrides config.properties)
Tip title Launching the default profile of dicomizer -Dfelix.extended.config.properties=file:conf/ext-dicomizer.properties