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This page describes how to install Weasis.

Weasis is launched from the dcm4chee administrative web interface, as shown in the pictures below. It may also be copied to a CD (or other removable device) with images.

For dcm4chee-arc4 (alpha version)

dcm4chee-arc4 does not have a web interface yet. However Weasis can be launched via weasis-pacs-connector, see configuration of weasis-pacs-connector for dcm4chee-arc.

For dcm4chee-web3 (new web interface)

Some browsers (Internet Explorer) may rename war files to zip. If so, use the Save As option when downloading. Change the name back to war.

That's all, now restart dcm4chee and launch Weasis from the dcm4chee-web3 portal.

For dcm4chee-web (classic - before 2.17.1)

dcm4chee-web.war has been built only for some dcm4chee versions. For other versions see Rebuild dcm4chee-web from any version)

That's all, now restart dcm4chee and launch Weasis from the web portal.

Write weasis-portable to DICOM CDs with dcm4chee-cdw

The executable (weasis-win32.exe) allows to embed a JRE in the directory "jre/windows" (weasis-portable/jre/windows/bin/java.exe). The embedded Java Runtime is used only when no runtime is available on the system. When Java is run from CD, it could be a little slow.