MPPSEmulator and MPPS2ORM

MPPSEmulator and MPPS2ORM

Here a short description how to configure MPPSEmulator in combination with MPPS2ORM:

MPPS Emulator is configured the following way:

1.) MPPSEmulator Service:
ModalityAETitles = MOD_AET:3m
PollInterval = 5m
CalledAETitle = DCM4CHEE (AET of archive)
This will send a MPPS to the AET DCM4CHEE (which is the archive AET) if the calling AET is MOD_AET after 5 minute. You can reduce the intervals for testing to 10 sec.

2.) MPPS2ORM Service:
Enabled = true
IgnoreUnscheduled = false
IgnoreInProgress = true
ReceivingApplication = RIS
ReceivingFacility = RIS

3) Add AET with AETitle = RIS^RIS and host/port configuration of RIS HL7 Server
4) HL7Send:
ForwardingRules =


This should be all you have to do for MPPS emulation on the archive and send a HL7 ORM message after getting the MPPS.