Welcome to Oviyam!

Oviyam is a web based DICOM Viewer. Using standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies retrived and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. Oviyam will work with any DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Oviyam Screenshots

The current version is 0.6. Source and ready to deploy binaries are available from the download page

Information on the latest developments and help are available at the Oviyam Forums


Release notes

Study/Patient Search

When Oviyam in initially loaded, a query screen slides down which allows you to filter you search. The results are then displayed as a patient list. Each study is displayed as a separate line item, including studies for the same patient - this is a bug which will be fixed in future versions. Each study can be expanded to display the study series.
Clicking on the study or series will clear the patient list and bring up the image display screen.

<Display screen screenshot to be added>

Patient List

Series thumbnails

<Text to be added>

Keyboard shortcuts

The user interface and navigation between images in a series can be controlled with the following keyboard shortcuts

Launching Oviyam from other programs