Oviyam Installation
Oviyam Installation
Current Version : Oviyam 2.8.2 - Final Release - February 21, 2022
Download Page : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dcm4che/files/Oviyam/
Installation Steps :
- Remove or rename the directory of the previous versions of Oviyam
- Download & unzip the latest version of Oviyam
- Copy oviyam.war to your dcm4chee server under /dcm4chee-x.xxx/server/default/deploy
For Tomcat Server:
1. Copy all jar files from "tomcat" folder into Tomcat "Lib" folder.
2. Uncomment the user roles,user names in "conf/tomcat-users.xml" file.
3. Add new user role, user name for "admin".
4. Deploy Oviyam2.war into Tomcat "webapps" folder.
4. Point your browser to http://dcm4chee_ip:8080/oviyam and login using the default credentials
5. Add AE details of the DICOM server under the settings page.
The following values are for a default dcm4chee installation:
- AE title: DCM4CHEE
- Host name: dcm4chee_ip or DNS Hostname
- Port: 11112
- WADO Port: 8080
Note :
For dcm4chee-arc-light server, the WADO context should be "SERVER-CONTEXT/aets/AETITLE/wado".
Eg. dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado