The dcmecho utility is a command line program that will execute a C-ECHO command as a DICOM Service Class User (SCU - the client) against a DICOM Service Class Provider (SCP - the server). The purpose of the C-ECHO command is to basically 'ping' the SCP to confirm that it is active and accepting associations.
This utility will send the DICOM Echo to the specified remote Application Entity. If <port> is not specified, the DICOM default port 104 is assumed. Also, if no <host> is specified then localhost is assumed.
dcmecho [Options] <aet>[@<host>[:<port>]]
-soclosedelay <ms> delay in ms for Socket close after sending A-ABORT, 50ms by default -acceptTO <ms> timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s by default -repeat <num> repeat C-ECHO RQ several times -reuseassoc Reuse association for repeated C-ECHO -closeassoc Close association after each C-ECHO -repeatdelay <ms> delay in ms between repeated C-FIND RQ, immediately after C-FIND RSP by default -releaseTO <ms> timeout in ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s by default -idleTO <ms> timeout in ms for receiving DIMSE-RQ, 10s by default -reaper <ms> period in ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, 10s by default -rspTO <ms> timeout in ms for receiving DIMSE-RSP, 60s by default -L <aet[@host]> set AET and local address of local Application Entity, use ANONYMOUS and pick up any valid local address to bind the socket by default -V,--version print the version information and exit -connectTO <ms> timeout in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by default -h,--help print this message
dcmecho STORESCP@localhost:11112
Verify connection to Application Entity STORESCP, listening on local port 11112.