Convert a DICOM file to an XML representation and optionally apply an XSL stylesheet to it. Values of attributes specified by -x <tag> are excluded from the generated XML. With -o <xmlfile>, the excluded values are stored into files named according the hex value <ggggeeee> of the attribute tag, into the same directory as the XML output. Files with extracted values of nested attributes are stored into sub-directories named according the sequence tag and the item number <ggggeeee>/<item#>/. Without -o <xmlfile>, but given -d <basedir>, excluded values are stored into files under specified <basedir>. If neither -o <xmlfile> nor -d <basedir> is specified, excluded values from the XML output are not stored.
dcm2xml [-VXcCh] [-o <xmlfile>] [-x <tag>]... [-d <basedir>] [-T <xslurl> [-I] [-P <param=value>]] <dcmfile>
-d <basedir> store extracted values in files under <basedir>. Cannot be specified together with option -o <xmlfile>. -X exclude pixel data from XML output (= shortcut for -x 7FE00010). -C,--comments include attribute names as comments in XML output -I,--incxslt enable incremental XSLT -P <param=value,...> pass specified parameters to the XSL stylesheet. -T <xslurl> transform XML output by applying specified XSL stylesheet. -V,--version print the version information and exit -c,--compact suppress additional whitespaces in XML output -h,--help print this message -o <xmlfile> file to write XML to, standard output by default -x <tag> tag (e.g.: 7FE00010) or name (e.g.: PixelData) of attribute to exclude from XML output
dcm2xml -Xi image.dcm -o image.xml
Stores the XML representation of image.dcm to image.xml. The pixel data is excluded from the generated XML and extracted to file 7FE00010.