Modify existing or create new DICOM file according given XML presentation and store result as ACR/NEMA-2 dump (option: -a) or DICOM Part 10 file (option: -d). If neither option -a nor -d is specified, inclusion of Part 10 File Meta Information depends, if the input DICOM file or the XML presentation already includes File Meta Information attributes (0002,eeee). Either option -i <dcmfile> or-x [<xmlfile>] (or both) must be specified.
xml2dcm [-geEuUVh] [-a|-d] [-t <tsuid>] [-i <dcmfile>] [-x [<xmlfile>] -d <basedir>] -o <dcmfile>
-o <dcmfile> Generated DICOM file or ACR/NEMA-2 dump -U,--undefseqlen Encode all sequences with undefined length. Mutual exclusive with option -E. -d,--dicom Store result as DICOM Part 10 File. Mutual exclusive with option -a -a,--acrnema2 Store result as ACR/NEMA 2 dump. Mutual exclusive with option -d -u,--undefitemlen Encode all sequence items with undefined length. Mutual exclusive with option -e. -e,--explitemlen Encode sequence items with explicit length. At default, non-empty sequence items are encoded with undefined length. -E,--explseqlen Encode sequences with explicit length. At default, non-empty sequences are encoded with undefined length. -V,--version print the version information and exit -g,--grlen Include (gggg,0000) Group Length attributes.By default, optional Group Length attributes are excluded. -h,--help print this message -i <dcmfile> Update attributes in specified DICOM file instead generating new one. -t <tsuid> Store result with specified Transfer Syntax. -x <xmlfile> XML input, used to update or generate new DICOM file.Without <xmlfile>, read from standard input.
xml2dcm -x in.xml -o out.dcm
Convert XML presentation in.xml to DICOM file out.dcm
xml2dcm -d -t 1.2.840.10008. -i in.dcm -o out.dcm
Load DICOM object from file in.dcm and store it as DICOM (Part 10) file encoded with Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax.