Invokes single or multiple HTTP GET request(s) according DICOM Part 18: Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO) on WADO server specified by <base-url>.
dcmwado [Options] <base-url> (-uid <uids>) or (<file>|<directory>[...])
-annotation <type> Burn in patient information(-annotation=patient) and/or technique information (-annotation=technique) in returned pixel data. -charset <name> Returned object shall be encoded with specified Character set. Alternative Character sets can be specified by additional -charset options. -frame <num> Return single frame with that number within a multi-frame image object. -mime <type> Request document with the specified MIME type.Alternative MIME types can be specified by additional -mime options. -cda1 Request CDA Level 1 document. (MIME type: application/x-hl7-cda-level-one+xml) -ts <uid> Returned object shall be encoded with the specified Transfer Syntax. Alternative Transfer Syntaxes can be specified by additional -ts options. -V,--version print the version information and exit -anonymize Remove all patient identificationinformation from returned DICOM Object -buffersize <kB> Size of byte buffer in KB used for copying the retrieved object to disk, 8 KB by default. -columns <num> Maximal number of pixel columns in returned image. -dcm Request DICOM object. (MIME type: application/dicom) -dir <path> Directory to store retrieved objects, working directory by default -gif Request GIF image. (MIME type: image/gif) -h,--help print this message -html Request HTML document. (MIME type: text/html) -jp2 Request JPEG 2000 image. (MIME type: image/jp2) -jpeg Request JPEG image. (MIME type: image/jpeg) -mpeg Request MPEG video. (MIME type: video/mpeg) -nokeepalive Close TCP connection after each response. -noredirect Disable HTTP redirects. -nostore Do not store retrieved objects to files. -pdf Request PDF document. (MIME type: application/pdf) -png Request PNG image. (MIME type: image/png) -pr <Suid:iuid> Series Instance UID and SOP Instance UID of the presentation state storage object to be applied to the image. -quality <num> Quality of the image to be returned within the range 1 to 100, 100 being the best quality. -rows <num> Maximal number of pixel rows in returned image. -rtf Request RTF document. (MIME type: text/rtf) -txt Request plain text document. (MIME type: text/plain) -uid <suid:Suid:iuid> Retrieve object with given Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID and SOP Instance UID. -window <center/width> Specifies center and width of the VOI window to be applied to the image. -xml Request XML document. (MIME type: text/xml)
dcmwado http://localhost:8080/dcm4jboss-wado/wado -dcm -uid -dir /tmp/wado
Request single DICOM Object with specified uids from the local WADO server listening on port 8080, and store it in directory /tmp/wado
dcmwado http://localhost:8080/dcm4jboss-wado/wado -dcm /cdrom/DICOM -nostore
Scan all DICOM files under directory /cdrom/DICOM and request for each file the corresponding DICOM Object from the local WADO server listening on port 8080, without storing the response to disk.
, multiple selections available,
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