


Executing the dcmqr utility will query specified remote Application Entity (=Query/Retrieve SCP) and optionally (s. option -cget/-cmove) retrieve instances of matching entities. If <port> is not specified, DICOM default port 104 is assumed. If also no <host> is specified localhost is assumed. Also Storage Services can be provided (s. option -cstore) to receive retrieved instances. For receiving objects retrieved by C-MOVE in a separate association, a local listening port must be specified (s.option -L).


dcmqr <aet>[@<host>[:<port>]] [Options]


 -acceptTO <ms>             timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s
                            by default
 -async <maxops>            maximum number of outstanding C-MOVE-RQ it may
                            invoke asynchronously, 1 by default.
 -blocked                   negotiate private FIND SOP Classes to return
                            attributes of several matching entities per
                            FIND response.
 -C <num>                   cancel query after receive of specified number
                            of responses, no cancel by default
 -cfind <cuid>              negotiate addition private C-FIND SOP class
                            with specified UID
 -cfindrspTO <ms>           timeout in ms for receiving C-FIND-RSP, 60s by
 -cget                      retrieve instances of matching entities by
 -cgetrspTO <ms>            timeout in ms for receiving C-GET-RSP and
                            C-MOVE RSP, 600s by default
 -closeassoc                Close association between repeated query (and
 -cmove <aet>               retrieve matching objects to specified move
 -cmoverspTO <ms>           timeout in ms for receiving C-MOVE-RSP and
                            C-GET RSP, 600s by default
 -connectTO <ms>            timeout in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by
 -cstore <cuid[:ts]>        negotiate support of specified Storage SOP
                            Class and Transfer Syntaxes. The Storage SOP
                            Class may be specified by its UID or by one of
                            following key words:
                            CR  - Computed Radiography Image Storage
                            CT  - CT Image Storage
                            MR  - MRImageStorage
                            US  - Ultrasound Image Storage
                            NM  - Nuclear Medicine Image Storage
                            PET - PET Image Storage
                            SC  - Secondary Capture Image Storage
                            XA  - XRay Angiographic Image Storage
                            XRF - XRay Radiofluoroscopic Image Storage
                            DX  - Digital X-Ray Image Storage for
                            MG  - Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage
                            for Presentation
                            PR  - Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
                            KO  - Key Object Selection Document Storage
                            SR  - Basic Text Structured Report Document
                            The Transfer Syntaxes may be specified by a
                            comma separated list of UIDs or by one of
                            following key words:
                            IVRLE - offer only Implicit VR Little Endian
                            Transfer Syntax
                            LE - offer Explicit and Implicit VR Little
                            Endian Transfer Syntax
                            BE - offer Explicit VR Big Endian Transfer
                            DEFL - offer Deflated Explicit VR Little
                            Endian Transfer Syntax
                            JPLL - offer JEPG Loss Less Transfer Syntaxes
                            JPLY - offer JEPG Lossy Transfer Syntaxes
                            MPEG2 - offer MPEG2 Transfer Syntax
                            NOPX - offer No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax
                            NOPXD - offer No Pixel Data Deflate Transfer
                            If only the Storage SOP Class is specified,
                            all Transfer Syntaxes listed above except No
                            Pixel Data and No Pixel Data Delflate Transfer
                            Syntax are offered.
 -cstoredest <dir>          store received objects into files in specified
                            directory <dir>. Do not store received objects
                            by default.
 -datetime                  negotiate support of combined date and time
                            attribute range matching.
 -device <name>             set device name, use DCMQR by default
 -evalRetrieveAET           Only Move studies not allready stored on
                            destination AET
 -filebuf <KB>              minimal buffer size to write received object
                            to file, 1KB by default
 -fuzzy                     negotiate support of fuzzy semantic person
                            name attribute matching.
 -h,--help                  print this message
 -highprior                 HIGH priority of the C-FIND/C-MOVE operation,
                            MEDIUM by default
 -I,--image                 perform instance level query, multiple
                            exclusive with -P and -S, perform study level
                            query by default.
 -ivrle                     offer only Implicit VR Little Endian Transfer
 -keypw <password>          password for accessing the key in the
                            keystore, keystore password by default
 -keystore <file|url>       file path or URL of P12 or JKS keystore,
                            resource:tls/test_sys_1.p12 by default
 -keystorepw <password>     password for keystore file, 'secret' by
 -L <aet[@host][:port]>     set AET, local address and listening port of
                            localApplication Entity, use device name and
                            pick up any valid local address to bind the
                            socket by default
 -lowprior                  LOW priority of the C-FIND/C-MOVE operation,
                            MEDIUM by default
 -no_ssl2                   disable the use of SSLv2 for TLS connections
 -no_ssl3                   disable the use of SSLv3 for TLS connections
 -no_tls1                   disable the use of TLSv1 for TLS connections
 -noclientauth              disable client authentification for TLS
 -noextneg                  disable extended negotiation.
 -P,--patient               perform patient level query, multiple
                            exclusive with -S and -I, perform study level
                            query by default.
 -passcode <passcode>       optional passcode for User Identity
                            Negotiation, only effective with option
 -pdv1                      send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF PDU, pack
                            command and data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by
 -q <[seq/]attr=value>      specify matching key. attr can be specified by
                            name or tag value (in hex), e.g. PatientName
                            or 00100010. Attributes in nested Datasets can
                            be specified by including the name/tag value
                            of the sequence attribute, e.g.
                            00400275/00400009 for Scheduled Procedure Step
                            ID in the Request Attributes Sequence
 -r <attr>                  specify additional return key. attr can be
                            specified by name or tag value (in hex).
 -rcvpdulen <KB>            maximal length in KB of received P-DATA-TF
                            PDUs, 16KB by default
 -reaper <ms>               period in ms to check for outstanding
                            DIMSE-RSP, 10s by default
 -rel                       negotiate support of relational queries and
 -releaseTO <ms>            timeout in ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s
                            by default
 -repeat <num>              repeat query (and retrieve) several times
 -repeatdelay <ms>          delay in ms between repeated query (and
                            retrieve), no delay by default
 -retall                    negotiate private FIND SOP Classes to fetch
                            all available attributes of matching entities.
 -reuseassoc                Reuse association for repeated query (and
 -S,--series                perform series level query, multiple exclusive
                            with -P and -I, perform study level query by
 -sndpdulen <KB>            maximal length in KB of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs,
                            16KB by default
 -soclosedelay <ms>         delay in ms for Socket close after sending
                            A-ABORT, 50ms by default
 -sorcvbuf <KB>             set SO_RCVBUF socket option to specified value
                            in KB
 -sosndbuf <KB>             set SO_SNDBUF socket option to specified value
                            in KB
 -ssl3                      disable the use of TLSv1 and SSLv2 for TLS
 -storeasync <maxops>       maximum number of outstanding storage
                            operations performed asynchronously, unlimited
                            by default.
 -tcpdelay                  set TCP_NODELAY socket option to false, true
                            by default
 -tls <NULL|3DES|AES>       enable TLS connection without, 3DES or AES
 -tls1                      disable the use of SSLv3 and SSLv2 for TLS
 -truststore <file|url>     file path or URL of JKS truststore,
                            resource:tls/mesa_certs.jks by default
 -truststorepw <password>   password for truststore file, 'secret' by
 -uidnegrsp                 request positive User Identity Negotation
                            response, only effective with option -username
 -username <username>       enable User Identity Negotiation with
                            specified username and  optional passcode
 -V,--version               print the version information and exit
 -vmf                       negotiate private FIND SOP Classes to return
                            attributes of legacy CT/MR images of one
                            series as virtual multiframe object



Queries all studies on entity REMOTEAET at listening on port 11112

dcmqr MYPACS@exampledomain.com:4040 -qStudyDate=20060204

Queries studies from Feburary 4th 2006 on entity MYPACS at exampledomain.com listening on port 4040.

dcmqr MYPACS@exampledomain.com:4040 -qStudyDate=20060204 -cmove DCMRCV

Queries studies from Feburary 4th 2006 on entity MYPACS at exampledomain.com and executes a C-MOVE to the entity DCMRCV on all matches. (Note: MYPACS must be aware of the entity DCMRCV for this to work)

dcmqr -L QRSCU:11113 QRSCP@localhost:11112 -cmove QRSCU -qStudyDate=20060204 -qModalitiesInStudy=CT
                                           -cstore CT -cstore PR:LE -cstoredest /tmp

Queries Application Entity QRSCP listening on local port 11112 for CT studies from Feb 4, 2006 and retrieves matching studies by C-MOVE to own Application Entity QRSCU listing on local port 11113, storing received CT images and Grayscale Softcopy Presentation states to /tmp

dcmqr -L QRSCU:11113 QRSCP@localhost:11112 -S -qStudyDate=20100521-20100521 -qStudyTime=001529-011529 -r PatientID -r PatientName -r PatientSex -r PatientBirthDate -r ModalitiesInStudy -r StudyDescription

Sends a Series level Q/R which includes patient and other attributes using the -r option. While using the -r option, make sure not to have any overlap between any -r attributes and -q attributes. So if querying using StudyDate, make sure the command does not contain -r StudyDate or the query does not work

See also
