Using dcm4che2 from JRuby
Using dcm4che2 from JRuby
Here is a quick example on how to access the dcm4che2 Toolkit with JRuby.
# dcm4che2 Toolkit with the elegance of Ruby # Read File Example - Ron Sweeney require 'java' include_class 'java.io.BufferedInputStream' include_class 'java.io.FileInputStream' include_class 'org.dcm4che2.io.DicomInputStream' include_class 'org.dcm4che2.data.BasicDicomObject' def PrintTag(tagvalue) dcm = BasicDicomObject.new din = DicomInputStream.new(BufferedInputStream.new(FileInputStream.new("c:\\MR.dcm"))) din.readDicomObject(dcm, -1) dicomvalue = dcm.getString(tagvalue) return dicomvalue end puts "Patient Name: " + PrintTag(0x00100010) puts "Modality Type: " + PrintTag(0x00080060)
Try to use code similar to below if you get class loading errors:
jardir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/jar") Dir.glob("#{jardir}/*.{jar,zip}").each {|jar| require jar}
You should require all the dcm4che toolkit jars before including any class as jruby doesn't include them automatically.