Organization of the Source Code

Organization of the Source Code

The Source Code of dcm4chee-2.x is separated into 10 modules:

|-- dcm4che14
|-- dcm4jboss-arr
|-- dcm4jboss-build
|-- dcm4jboss-cdw
|-- dcm4jboss-ejb
|-- dcm4jboss-hl7
|-- dcm4jboss-sar
|-- dcm4jboss-wado
|-- dcm4jboss-web
`-- dcm4jboss-xds


contains v1.4.x of the DICOM library, on which all other modules depends:


contains the master Ant build script, for Building dcm4chee, but does not contain itself any (Java) source code.


contains the Audit Record Repository. It's a self-contained JBoss application, which has no dependencies - beside on the DICOM library - to other modules. It may be also used as standalone application - without the DICOM archive components. Even if the archive components are deployed in the same JBoss instance as the Audit Record Repository, they will use UDP messages to log audit records in the Audit Record Repository.


contains the Media Creation Server, responsible for the composition of DICOM File-Sets, creation of the ISO image and burning them on CD or DVD media. It's a self-contained JBoss application, which has no dependencies - beside on the DICOM library - to other modules. It may be also used as standalone application - without the DICOM archive components. Even if the archive components are deployed in the same JBoss instance as the Audit Record Repository, they will use DICOM Storage and DICOM Media Creation Management Service to initiate the Media Creation.


contains all Entity and Stateless Session EJBs and Data Access Objects, encapsulating any database access from archive components.


contains HL7 specific MBean Services for processing received HL7 messages for Procedure Scheduled (ORM^O01), Patient Update (ADT) and Reports (ORU^R01), but also for emitting HL7 messages, in particular forwarding received messages to other HL7 receiver. Processing of HL7 is widely defined by XSLT Stylesheets, which allows adaption to HL7 messages form various RIS systems without modfications on the Java sources. dcm4jboss-hl7 make use of general MBean Services provided by dcm4jboss-sar.


contains all DICOM specific MBean Service, but also common MBean Services used by dcm4jboss-hl7, dcm4jboss-wado and dcm4jboss-web.


contains an implementation of DICOM's Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO) and IHE's Retrieve Information for Display (RID) and Retrieve ECG for Display (ECG).


contains the Web Application for the Archive Administration. It's build using the Web Application Framework Maverick, with XSLT as view technology. Therefore page layout is mainly specified by XSLT stylesheets, which can be customized, without need for modfications on the Java sources.


contains an implementation of an IHE XDS repository. Makes internally use of the RID service for returning a requested document.