Media Creation
Media Creation
How to burn CD/DVD's
Dcm4chee only can burn a CD/DVD in two ways:
- Exporting a study in the web interface
- Autoburn a CD/DVD for a offline storage
Before to start
- Install the "cdrecord" and "mkisofs"
- Open the dcm4chee logs to see what's happens (tail -f server.log is a good idea)
- Log in the jboss console
- Configure "name=CDRecord,service=MediaWriter" and check that the checkDrive(), checkDisk(), etc, works (beware with the perms of the device, the user who runs the dcm4chee must have write permision!)
Now, you can burn CD/DVD's!!
Exporting a study in the web interface
- Log into the web interface
- Select the studies to burn
- Click to "Export selected images to Teaching Filesystem"
- In "Document Title" select "For media export"
- Click on "export"
- Now you are burning a CD/DVD!
Autoburn a CD/DVD for a ofline storage
- Log in the jboss console
- Configure "service=MCMScu". This service is for burn CD/DVD's with the studies that are in a range of time
- First, dcm4chee automatically selects the studies that you want to burn (you have configured before) and creates the media
- When the media is created, log into dcm4chee-web and click on "Offline Storage", you can see your medias, delete or burn
- The next time, the service will burn the CD/DVD's