System Overview

System Overview

DCM4CHEE Overview

The components of dcm4chee work together to provide you with a reference implementation of many IHE actors and Integration Profiles. I use the term "reference implementation" not because the system is purely academic. On the contrary, it is capable of (and indeed is) deployed in production at many sites around the world. The term is used because no other system in the world provides such a complete and well designed implementation of so much IHE-defined functionality in an open source fashion.

dcm4chee is a cross-platform system. It is developed in Java, only utilizing C/C++ for the compression libraries (the free Sun codecs for Java Advanced Imaging), and distributed as embedded components in a Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) application server. dcm4chee has been deployed on several different operating system platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Various Linux brands
  • Apple OSX
  • Sun Solaris

dcm4chee uses a database to store information from the DICOM headers, index information for locating objects on the file system, and other pertinent system and clinical data. Six different databases are supported for deployment with the system:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • DB2
  • Firebird
  • HSQL

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