Query Retrieve SCP

Query Retrieve SCP


DICOM Query/Retrieve SCP. Provides the DICOM Query/Retrieve SCP.

(info) The value of the Compression Service#MaxConcurrentCodec also affects the on-the-fly compression and decompression during the retrieve of images by the QueryRetrieveScp service

Patient Level Attributes
Study Level Attributes
Series Level Attributes
Instance Level Attributes




The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form


Accepted called AE titles, separated by (backslash).

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


List of accepted calling AE titles, separated by (backslash).

ANY = accept any.
CONFIGURED_AETS = accept any configured AE Title.

Default Value: ANY


AE title of local Storage SCP. Used as Move Destination in forwarded C-Move RQs to external Retrieve AEs, for which no direct forwarding to the Move Destination in the received C-MOVE RQ is configured in #DirectForwardingList.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Supplement received C-FIND RQ identifier with no Issuer Of Patient ID with an Issuer Of Patient ID, if such is associated with the C-FIND SCU AE by its AE Configuration entry.

Default Value: false


Supplement received C-FIND RQ identifier with no Issuer of Accession Number Sequence, with such Sequence containing one item with Local Namespace Enitity ID, Universial Enitity ID and Universial Enitity ID Type, if such is associated with the C-FIND SCU AE by its AE Configuration entry.

Default Value: false


If there is no Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item associated to the C-FIND SCU AE by an AE configuration entry with matching AE Title, AE configuration entries which host name is equals to the host name of the C-FIND SCU AE will be considered to determine the associated Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item. If there are several AE configuration entries with matching host name with different non-zero values for Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, no Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item will be supplemented.

Default Value: false


If there is no Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item associated to the C-FIND SCU AE by an AE configuration entry with matching AE Title, AE configuration entries which host name is equals to the host name of the C-FIND SCU AE will be considered to determine the associated Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item. If there are several AE configuration entries with matching host name with different non-zero values for Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, no Issuer of Patient ID or Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item will be supplemented.

Default Value: false


Perform PIX Query also on retrieval to determine the Patient ID which Issuer of Patient ID match the Issuer of Patient ID associated to the retrieve destination by a corresponding AE configuration entry, and replace the original Patient ID and Issuer of Patient ID in retrieved objects by this value. If there is no such Patient ID, nullify the Patient ID and remove the Issuer of Patient ID in retrieved objects. Return Patient IDs which Issuer of Patient ID does not match the Issuer of Patient ID associated to the retrieve destination in items of the Other Patient ID Sequence.

Default Value: false


Nullify Accession Number in retrieved objects, if its Issuer of Accession Number does not match the Issuer of Accession Number associated to the retrieve destination by a corresponding AE configuration entry.

Default Value: false


List of Transfer Syntaxes for (lossy) Image Compression of stored Image or Video DICOM Composite objects, which shall not be decompressed for retrieval: If no Presentation Context for the transfer of such objects with compressed Transfer Syntax is accepted (C-MOVE) or offered (C-GET) by the retrieve destination, the retrieval of such objects will fail.

Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • JPEGBaseline
  • JPEGExtended
  • JPEGLSLossy
  • JPEG2000Lossy
  • MPEG2
  • MPEG4

Not effective for Move Destinations listed in #SendWithDefaultTransferSyntaxToAETitles.

Default Value:



Move Destination AE titles to which objects are sent always with Default (=Implicit VR Little Endian) Transfer Syntax, which implies, that compressed stored images are always decompressed by this service for retrieval. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

NONE = no AE titles match this criteria.
ANY = all AE titles match this criteria.

Default Value: NONE


Move Destination AE titles to which images are sent without pixel data, if offered Transfer Syntax No Pixel Data was accepted by the Move Destination AE. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

NONE = do not offer No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax to any Move Destination AE.
ANY = offer No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax to all Move Destination AEs.

Default Value: NONE


Move Destination AE titles to which images are sent without pixel data, if offered Transfer Syntax No Pixel Data Deflate or No Pixel Data was accepted by the Move Destination AE. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

NONE = do not offer No Pixel Data Deflate and No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax to any Move Destination AE.
ANY = offer No Pixel Data Deflate and No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax to all Move Destination AE.

Default Value: NONE


Move Destination AE titles to which images are sent without pixel data. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

NONE = no AE titles match this criteria.

Default Value: NONE


Move Destination AE titles to which failures, caused by unsupported SOP Classes, in transmitting objects shall NOT return a warning status "Sub-Operation fails" in the final Move Response to the Move SCU.

NONE = no AE titles match this criteria.

Default Value: NONE


Patch faulty DICOM JPEG-LS images compressed by JAI-IMAGEIO JPEG-LS encoder with matching Implementation SOP Class UID on retrieval by inserting a LSE marker segment with encoder parameter values T1, T2 and T3 actually used by JAI-IMAGEIO JPEG-LS encoder. Also effective for WADO retrieval.
NONE = Disable patching of DICOM JPEG-LS images
ANY = Patch DICOM JPEG-LS images with any Implementation SOP Class UID

Default Value:


Replace Implementation SOP Class UID in patched DICOM JPEG-LS images by specified value. Only effective for WADO retrieval.
NONE = Keep original Implementation SOP Class UID

Default Value:


AE Titles of C-FIND SCUs, for which a PIX Query of the data base or an external Patient Cross-reference (PIX) Manager shall be executed, if the query request contains a matching key for the Patient ID, to return also entities of linked patients. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

ANY = Enable PIX Queries for all C-FIND SCUs.
NONE = Disable PIX Queries for all C-FIND SCUs.

Default Value: ANY


Comma separated list of values for Issuers of Patient IDs in C-FIND RQs, for which a PIX Query of the data base or an external Patient Cross-reference (PIX) Manager shall be executed, to return also entities of linked patients.

ANY = Execute PIX Queries for any Issuer of Patient ID.

Default Value: SSN


Value for Issuer of Patient ID used for PIX Queries, if the query request does not contains a value for the Issuer of Patient ID. Only effective, if PIXQueryIssuersOfPatientID = ANY.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Override PatientId and IssuerOfPatientID, and those values contained in the OtherPatientIDSequence with the values from the request (including PIX Query results).

Default Value: false


AE Titles of C-FIND SCUs, for which to Override PatientId and IssuerOfPatientID, and those values contained in the OtherPatientIDSequence with the values from the request (including PIX Query results). Separate multiple values by (backslash).

ANY = Override Ids for all C-FIND SCUs.

Only effective, if #CoerceRequestPatientIds = true.

Default Value: NONE


AE Titles of C-FIND SCUs with Query Permissions on all archived Studies, independent of Study Permissions to roles of the user associated to the active association. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

ANY = Disable restriction of queries according granted Study Permissions.

Default Value: ANY


AE Titles of Move Destinations with Read Permissions on all archived Studies, independent of Study Permissions to roles of the user associated with the AE. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

ANY = Disable restriction of retrieve to Move Destinations according granted Study Read Permissions.

(warning) For successful Media Creation by the archive, the AE Title of the Media Creation Service (default: CDRECORD) have to be included in the configured list.

(info) If the Move Destination differs from the AE requesting the retrieve (= C-MOVE SCU), the associated user is defined by the AE configuration entry. If the C-MOVE SCU also acts as Move Destination, the user identification may be also provided by C-MOVE SCU by User Identity Negotiation.

Default Value: ANY


AE Titles of C-MOVE SCUs with Export Permissions on all archived Studies, independent of Study Permissions to roles of the user associated to the request association. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

ANY = Disable restriction of queries according granted Study Permissions.

(warning) For successful auto-forwarding of received objects as for manual DICOM export using the Web Interface, the Calling AE Title of the internal Move SCU Service (default: DCM4CHEE) have to be included in the configured list.

(info) If the C-MOVE SCU also acts as Move Destination, no Export Permission - but still Read Permission - is needed to retrieve a Study.

Default Value: ANY


AE Titles of C-FIND SCUs to which only responses for matching entities of Patients which Patient ID is qualified by an Issuer Of Patient ID are returned. Separate multiple values by '\'(backslash).
If the list is prefixed by '!', entities of Patients which Patient ID is not qualified by an Issuer Of Patient ID will be hidden from #any C-FIND SCU, #except which AE title is specified in the list.

NONE = do not hide entities of Patients without Issuer of Patient ID_ from any C-FIND SCU.

Default Value: NONE


Failed transfer of instances of listed SOP Classes to move destinations caused by rejection of the SOP Class by the destination STORE SCP will NOT result in a warning status "Sub-Operation fails" in the final Move Response to the Move SCU. Use either the SOP Class UID value or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.

Default Value:



Do not match entities with zero-length value for specified matching keys (= non DICOM conform matching behavior).

Default Value: true


List of accepted Query/Retrieve SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or following defined symbolic names:

  • PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND,
  • PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGET
  • PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMOVE,
  • StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND,
  • StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGET
  • StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMOVE,
  • PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND,
  • PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelGET
  • PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelMOVE,

Default Value:



List of accepted Transfer Syntaxes. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian

Default Value: ImplicitVRLittleEndian


List of accepted Query/Retrieve SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or following defined symbolic names:

  • Dcm4cheStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND,
  • Dcm4cheBlockedStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND,

Default Value:



List of accepted Transfer Syntaxes. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian

Default Value:



Maximum number of result records blocked in one Find Response by Private Blocked FIND services.

Default Value: 1000


List of the AE titles for the Q/R SCUs for which XMLized query and result attributes are logged into files <AET>/<timestamp>-cfindrq.xml and <AET>/<timestamp>-cfindrsp.xml in the log directory. Useful for creation of XSL stylesheets for query/result attribute coercion. Separate multiple values by (backslash).

NONE = no calling AE titles.

Default Value: NONE


Directory where configuration files for query/result attribute coercion are located: if XSL stylesheet "cfindrq.xsl" or "cfindrsp.xsl" exists in this directory or a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of a QR SCU, query/result attributes from/to this SCU will be coerced according these stylesheets. A relative path name is resolved relative to DCM4CHEE_HOME/server/default/.

Default Value: conf/dcm4chee-ae


Enable logging of coercions in separate log files. FileName: <LOG_DIR>/coercion/<timestamp>.<xsl file>. Coercion logs are only written for Calling AETs specified in #LogAETitles!

Default Value: false


Flag indicating if optional C-MOVE Response DICOM message with pending status are returned in the interval defined by attribute #PendingCMoveResponseInterval.

Default Value: true


Interval in ms in which C-MOVE Response DICOM messages with pending status are returned. Even send (identical) response messages, if no storage sub-operation was performed during such interval, to keep the association alive. Only effective, if sending C-Move Response DICOM message with pending status is activated by attribute #SendPendingCMoveResponse.

Default Value: 5000


Flag indicating if optional C-GET Response DICOM messages with pending status are returned between C-STORE requests. If requested objects have to be fetched from an other/external retrieve AE, identical C-GET Responses with pending status are returned in the interval defined by attribute #PendingCGetResponseInterval, until all requested objects are received from the other/external retrieve AE and sending C-STORE requests to the C-GET SCU starts.

Default Value: false


Interval in ms in which identical C-Get Response DICOM messages with pending status are returned if requested objects have to be fetched from an other/external retrieve AE before the first C-STORE requests is sent to the C-GET SCU . Only effective, if sending C-Get Response DICOM message with pending status is activated by attribute #SendPendingCGetResponse.

Default Value: 5000


Retrieve response status when there is no matching instance to retrieve for one (or more) requested Patient/Study/Series/Image.

Default Value: 0


Use the calling AE title of the requesting Move SCU instead of the called AE title when opening an association to another Move SCP to forward a Move Request.

Default Value: true


A list of rules of direct forwarding in C-Move for external retrieve AE. Assume the local AE is A and C-Move to C is requested. The files do not exist in A, but the local database has the database entries for the requested objects with external retrieve AE B. If B to C is defined in the Direct-Forwarding list, a C-Move from B to C will be initiated. If B to C is not included in the list, the requested objects will be first stored to A and then moved from A to C.

Format: <source1>,<destination1>,<destination2>;<source2>,any;...
Use any for all destinations.


Record last time instances of a study was retrieved by C-GET, C-MOVE or WADO. Should be enabled, if delete functions of the File System Management Service are activated, to delete the least recent accessed studies.

Default Value: true


Maximum number of SOP Instance UIDs in forwarded Move Requests. Larger Move Requests are split into smaller ones according to this constraint.

Default Value: 100


Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s)! Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective!

Default Value: 16352


The maximum number of outstanding operations and/or sub-operations it allows the Association-requester to invoke asynchronously. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of outstanding operations.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s)! Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective!

Default Value: 1


The maximum number of outstanding operations and/or sub-operations it allows the Association-requester to perform asynchronously. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of outstanding operations.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s)! Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective!

Default Value: 1


The maximum number of asynchronously invoked storage operations. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number.

Default Value: 0


A-Associate accept timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 10000


DIMSE message timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 60000


Socket close delay in milliseconds after an A-Release response.

Default Value: 50


Send packets as quickly as possible (Disable Nagle's algorithmn).

Default Value: true


Buffer size used for socket output. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Buffer size used for socket input. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Size of byte buffer used for copying data from TCP channel to file.

Default Value: 8192


Controls usage of LEFT JOINS in executed SQL statement triggered by retrieve requests.

(warning) Must be set to false, if the archive is configured as short-term cache, which delegates long-term storage to an external DICOM archive and therefore does not hold file records for each stored instance!

Default Value: false


Activates lazy fetch of Series, Study and Instance attributes stored in BLOB columns by an additional query for each series.on queries on IMAGE level.

Default Value: false


Activates caching of Series attributes between IMAGE level C-FIND RSPs, which reduces the number of BLOB access
from: 4 × number-of-matching-instances
to: number-of-matching-instances + 3 × number-of-different-series
Implicit set by #LazyFetchSeriesAttrsOnImageLevelQuery = true.

Default Value: true


Change JDBC binding for Oracle BLOB's to LONGVARBINARY for accessing attributes stored in BLOB columns of DB records on query. Only effective with Oracle as DB.

Default Value: true


Change JDBC binding for Oracle BLOB's to LONGVARBINARY for accessing Patient, Study and Series attributes stored in BLOB columns of DB records on query on IMAGE level. Only effective with Oracle as DB.

(warning) Should only be enabled with #LazyFetchSeriesAttrsOnImageLevelQuery = true or #CacheSeriesAttrsOnImageLevelQuery = false.

Default Value: false


Activates lazy fetch of Series, Study and Instance attributes stored in BLOB columns by an additional query for each series.on DICOM Retrieve and access by WADO with contentType=application/dicom.

Default Value: false


Activates caching of Series attributes on DICOM Retrieve, - but also for successive WADO requests for Instances of the same Series - which reduces the number of BLOB access
from: 4 × number-of-retrieved-instances
to: number-of-retrieved-instances + 3 × number-of-different-series
Implicit set by #LazyFetchSeriesAttrsOnRetrieve = true.

Default Value: true


Defines maximal number of Series, which attributes are cached on retrieve of Instances.

Only effective if #CacheSeriesAttrsOnRetrieve = true.

Default Value: 100


Defines how long cached Series Attributes on retrieve are valid.

Format: ##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes)

Only effective if #CacheSeriesAttrsOnRetrieve = true.

Default Value: 1m


Change JDBC binding for Oracle BLOB's to LONGVARBINARY for accessing attributes stored in BLOB columns of DB records on retrieve. Only effective with Oracle as DB.

Default Value: true


Change JDBC binding for Oracle BLOB's to LONGVARBINARY for accessing Patient, Study and Series attributes stored in BLOB columns of DB records on retrieve. Only effective with Oracle as DB.

(warning) Should only be enabled with #LazyFetchSeriesAttrsOnRetrieve = true or #CacheSeriesAttrsOnRetrieve = false.

Default Value: false


Transaction isolation level for queries. Values can be one of:


Default Value: DEFAULT


Transaction isolation level for retrieves. Values can be one of:


Default Value: DEFAULT


Coerce attributes Top-down

Default Value: false


Defer DEBUG logging of C-Find Response to doBeforeRsp() function just before the response is actually being sent out.

Default Value: false


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.


Used internally. Do NOT modify.



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Used internally


Locate SOP Instance. Return a File object, if the instance is locally available, or the hostname as String object if a file of the instance is located on another host.


Locate SOP Instance. Return a File object, if the instance is locally available, or the hostname as String object if a file of the instance is located on another host. Update study access time if studyIUID != null and #RecordStudyAccessTime = true.


Locate SOP Instances of one Series. Return a Map which contains one entry for each SOP Instance of a Series, with the SOP Instance UID as key, and a File object if the instance is locally available, or a Retrieve AE Title if the instance is only available from a remote Retrieve SCP, or null if the instance is neither available locally nor from a remote Retrieve SCP, as value. Update study access time if studyIUID != null and #RecordStudyAccessTime = true.


Return file specified by directory path/URL and file ID. If the directory URL specifies a TAR directory, also takes care for fetching the TAR from the HSM and extracting the file from the TAR, making use of the TAR Retriever Service.


Locate SOP Instance. Return a Dataset object, if the instance is locally available. The attributes of the dataset are updated with the attributes from database.


Determines if specified AE Title is one of the configured #CalledAETitles.


Add a direct forward rule of external C-Move from source to destination.


Remove a direct forward rule of external C-Move for a source AE


Remove a direct forward rule of external C-Move from source to destination


Check whether an external C-Move should use direct forwarding
