Study Reconciliation Service

Study Reconciliation Service


Study Reconciliation Service. Normally used for migration from an old archive to a new archive.




Interval in which to check for studies for Reconciliation.
<TaskInterval> := <interval>'!'<from>'-'<to> | 'NEVER'
<interval> = ##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours).
<from> = start hour (0-23) when no Study Reconciliation should be performed
<to> = end hour (0-23) when no Study Reconciliation should be performed
NEVER = disable automatic Study Reconciliation

Example:10m!9-17 => every 10 minutes poll the database and check study that need Reconciliation, except between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

By setting this type of TaskInterval, you can ensure checks occur outside of peak imaging hours.

Default Value: NEVER


AE Title of reference FIND SCP.

Default Value: TIANI_ARCHIVE


The calling AE title.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Minimum age of a study that will be checked for need of Reconciliation, in
##w (in weeks), ##d (in days), or ##h (in hours).

Default Value: 1d


Maximum number of studies that are checked in one task.

Default Value: 100


Status indicating studies scheduled for reconciliation..

Default Value: 1


Status to indicate successful reconciliation.

Default Value: 0


Status to indicate failed reconciliation.

Default Value: -1


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: CheckStudyReconciliation


A-Associate accept timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 10000


DIMSE message timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 60000


Socket close delay in milliseconds after an A-Release response.

Default Value: 50


Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.

Default Value: 16352


Send packets as quickly as possible (Disable Nagle's algorithmn).

Default Value: true


Buffer size used for socket output. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Buffer size used for socket input. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Used internally. Do not modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=TLSConfig


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=Scheduler


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Used internally.


Reschedule failed Reconciliations.
