ORM Service

ORM Service


ORM HL7 Service. Create, update or delete entries of the Modality Worklist provided by Modality Worklist SCP according to received ORM^O01 messages. Generally, this service is used if the connected RIS cannot provide the modality worklist.

Procedure Scheduled

Procedure Update




Comma separated list of Message Types handled by this Service.

Default Value: ORM^O01


Maps Order Control (Order Status) or - if no Order Status is specified - Order Control (Result Status) in received ORM to Operation to perform. This controls what happens to worklist items.


map = entry+
entry = orderContol [ '(' orderStatus ')' ] ':' operation
operation = 'NW' (* create worklist item(s) *)
          | 'XO' (* update worklist item(s) *)
          | 'CA' (* remove worklist item(s) *)
          | 'SC(' ('SCHEDULED' | 'ARRIVED' | 'READY' | 'STARTED' | 'COMPLETED' | 'DISCONTINUED') ')' (* update status of worklist item(s) *)
          | 'NOOP' (* no operation *)

Default Value:



Message Type for PIX Update Notification. Messages of this type and without (non-whitespace) Patient Name (PID-5) will be interpreted as PIX Update Notification according IHE Transaction ITI-10 specified in the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework. IHE Transaction ITI-10 specifies ADT^A31 as message type for PIX Update Notification.
The message type must be also listed in configured #MessageTypes handled by this service.

Default Value: ADT^A31


Comma separated list of Issuers/Authorities, which only qualifies Other Patient IDs - and NOT primary Patient IDs. Patient IDs in PIX Update Notifications with such Issuer/Authority will NOT cause to create a new Patient Record, in the case that there is no Patient Record with such primary Patient ID.

Default Value: SSN


Defines which Patient Attributes in received HL7 ORM messages are considered for selecting existing Patient records in the archive.

Format: 'pid' ['?'] ',issuer' ['?'] [',' [ '[' ] <demograhic-matches> [ ']' ]
<demograhic-matches> ::= <demograhic-match> ['|' ...]
<demograhic-match> ::= [<ignore>','] <demograhic-fields>
<ignore> ::= 'ignore("' <regular-expression> '")'
<demograhic-fields> ::= <demograhic-field> ['?'] [',' ...]
<demograhic-field> ::= 'familyname''(1)' | 'givenname''(1)' | 'middlename''(1)' | 'nameprefix''(1)' | 'namesuffix''(1)' | 'birthdate' | 'sex'

Multiple alternative <demograhic-matches> can be specified using '|' as delimiter.

Substrings specified by 'ignore("' <regular-expression> '")' will be ignored for matching patient name components.

A '(1)' suffix of the attribute name specifies that only the first character need to match.

A question mark('?') after a field name specifies that a missing value in received HL7 ORM messages will match with any value for that field in existing Patient Records, as Patient Records with missing values for that field will match with any value for that field in received HL7 ORM messages. Field names without question marks specifies, that HL7 ORM messages without values for such fields will not match any existing Patient Record, and Patient Records without values for such fields will not get selected on receive of any HL7 ORM message.

Surrounding <demograhic-match> by brackets('[]') defines, that demographic fields shall not be considered for the selection of an existing Patient record, if the Patient ID is qualified by an Issuer/Authority in the received HL7 ORM message and in the matching Patient Record.

(warning) Configuration of consideration of demographic fields for the selection of existing Patient records disables the update of such Patient Demographics attributes by HL7 ORM messages! => Only change the default value of pid,issuer?, if you know, what you are doing!

Default Value: pid,issuer?


Scheduled Station Name in generated MWL item, if there is no device configured for the scheduled protocol.

Default Value: UNKOWN


Scheduled Station AET in generated MWL item, if there is no device configured for the scheduled protocol.

Default Value: UNKOWN


Modality in generated MWL item, if the ORM message does not contain modality information and if there is also no device configured for the scheduled protocol.

Default Value: OT


Stylesheet for HL7 ORM^O01 to DICOM MWL mapping.
A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.

Default Value: conf/dcm4chee-hl7/orm2dcm.xsl


Directory where configuration file(s) for coercion of request attributes in already stored instances are located: if there is a XSL stylesheet mwl-cfindrsp2cstorerq.xsl in this directory or in a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of the Storage SCU, attributes of already received instances from this SCU will be coerced according these stylesheet(s) on create or update of worklist item(s).
A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.

Default Value: conf/dcm4chee-ae


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=DeviceService


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=HL7Server


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=Templates


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Process XML message


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