XDS Store2Dcm Service

XDS Store2Dcm Service


Store2Dcm Service. Provides a Service to Store XDS Documents as encapsulated DICOM Objects in a DICOM archive.




Called AET of StoreSCP/StgCmtSCP.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Hostname of StoreSCP/StgCmtSCP.

Default Value: localhost


Port of StoreSCP/StgCmtSCP.

Default Value: 11112


Calling AET used of this StoreSCU/StgCmtSCU.

Default Value: DOC_SEND


Hostname of this StoreSCU/StgCmtSCU.

Default Value: localhost


Port of this StoreSCU/StgCmtSCU.

Default Value: 11113


XSL Filename that should be used to add Information from Submissionset to DICOM object.<br/>
NONE: disable XSL transformation of metadata. <br/>
DEFAULT: Use a default stylesheet (submission2dcm.xsl as CLASSPATH resource). <br/>
<Filename>:Either an absolut filename or relative to Server Home Directory.

Default Value: DEFAULT


Mapping of Mimetype to SOP Class UID.<br/>
Format: <mimetype>:<SOPClassUID><br/>
You can specify a default SOP Class UID for mime types not listed with mimetype='default'.<br/>
NONE means no Mapping and use of private EncapsulatedDocumentStorage (
for all mimetypes.

Default Value: NONE


Enable/disable StgCmt request to ensure availability of Document.

Default Value: false


Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for sending PDUs.

Default Value: 16352


Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.

Default Value: 16352


The maximum number of outstanding operations and/or
sub-operations it allows the Association-requester to invoke asynchronously.
A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of outstanding operations.

Default Value: 1


A-Associate accept timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 10000


DIMSE message timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.

Default Value: 60000


Socket close delay in milliseconds after an A-Release response.

Default Value: 50


Send packets as quickly as possible (Disable Nagle's algorithmn).

Default Value: true


Buffer size used for socket output. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Buffer size used for socket input. 0 = use platform default.

Default Value: 0


Store a document file with information of metadata (submissionset/ExtrinsicObject).


Store a document file with information of metadata (submissionset/ExtrinsicObject).