Storage SCP

Storage SCP


DICOM Storage SCP. Provides a DICOM storage service to receive DICOM objects from remote DICOM applications. Typically these objects are images received from modalities. You can also configure what DICOM SOP classes are accepted by the StoreScp service using the #AcceptedImageSOPClasses and #AcceptedOtherSOPClasses attributes.

Attributes of received DICOM objects may be coerced with request attributes fetched by the Modality Worklist SCU from the internal Modality Worklist SCP, or from an external Application Entity providing the Modality Worklist.

Coerce Request Attributes




List of accepted called AE titles, separated by (backslash). For example, DCM4CHEE\DCM4CHEE2. This AE title is set automatically upon installation. We recommend that you do not try to change this AE title after it has been set, as it must be changed in multiple locations and globally changing the AE title for dcm4chee is difficult.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


List of accepted calling AE titles, separated by '\' (backslash). ANY = accept any.

Default Value: ANY


AE Titles of C-STORE SCUs with Append Permissions on all archived Studies, independent of Study Permissions to roles of the user associated to the active association.
Separate multiple values by '\' (backslash).
ANY = Disable restriction of storage to existing Studies according granted Study Permissions.

Default Value: ANY


List of the AE titles for the Storage SCUs for which a warning status, B000, is returned if data elements were coerced.
Separate multiple values by '\' (backslash). NONE = no calling AE titles.

Default Value: NONE


List of the AE titles for the Storage SCUs from which storage requests with Affected SOP Instance UID in the command differs from the SOP Instance UID are accepted.
Separate multiple values by '\' (backslash). NONE = no calling AE titles.

Default Value: NONE


Accept storage of objects/images without patient ID. This value is used in conjunction with the other patient ID values to replace patient IDs that, for example, come from a modality as UNKNOWN. The archive will generate a patient ID for the unknown value based on the #GeneratePatientID attribute.

Default Value: false


Accept storage of objects/images without patient name. This value is used in conjunction with the other patient name values to replace patient names that, for example, come from a modality as UNKNOWN.

Default Value: false


Generate a patient ID from a hash of the patient name and birth date and/or study instance uid, if the received object contains no patient ID, or if it is received from one Storage SCU listend in #GeneratePatientIDForUnscheduledFromAETitles and does not contain a reference to a Scheduled Procedure Step.

Use ### and/or $$$ as a placeholder for the decimal hash value of patient name and/or study instance uid.
For example, PACS-##########.

NONE = do not generate patient IDs.

Issuer of Patient ID for generated Patient IDs will be set to the Issuer of Patient ID associated to the Storage SCP (=Called) AE by its AE configuration entry. If no Issuer of Patient ID is configured for the Storage SCP, Issuer of Patient ID is set to the value configured by attribute #IssuerOfPatientIDGeneratedPatientID.

Default Value: PACS-##########


Issuer of Patient ID for generated Patient IDs, if no Issuer of Patient ID is associated with the Storage SCP (=Called) AE by its AE Configuration entry.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Supplement received objects containing a Patient ID, but no Issuer Of Patient ID, with a value for Issuer Of Patient ID, if such is associated with the Storage SCU AE by its AE Configuration entry.

Default Value: true


Supplement received objects containing an Accession Number, but no Issuer of Accession Number Sequence, with such Sequence containing one item with Local Namespace Enitity ID, Universial Enitity ID and Universial Enitity ID Type, if such is associated with the Storage SCU AE by its AE Configuration entry.

Default Value: true


If there is no Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name, Institutional Department Name associated to the Storage SCU AE by an AE configuration entry with matching AE Title, AE configuration entries which host name is equals to the host name of the Storage SCU AE will be considered to determine the associated Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name. If there are several AE configuration entries with matching host name with different non-zero values for Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name, no Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name will be supplemented.

Default Value: false


If there is no Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name, Institutional Department Name associated to the Storage SCU AE by an AE configuration entry with matching AE Title, AE configuration entries which host name is equals to the IP Address of the Storage SCU AE will be considered to determine the associated Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name. If there are several AE configuration entries with matching host name with different non-zero values for Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name, no Issuer of Patient ID, Issuer of Accession Number Sequence item, Institution Name or Institutional Department Name will be supplemented.

Default Value: false


List of AE titles of Storage SCUs for which the Patient ID in received objects without Scheduled Procedure Step reference shall be replaced by a new generated Patient ID. Separate multiple values by '\'(backslash).

If the list is prefixed by '!\', the Patient ID in objects without Scheduled Procedure Step reference received from any Storage SCU, except which AE title is specified in the list, will be replaced by a new generated Patient ID.

NONE = do not replace Patient IDs in objects received from any Storage SCU.

Default Value: NONE


Defines which Patient Attributes in the first received DICOM Composite Objects of a DICOM Study shall be considered for the selection of an existing Patient records in the archive to which the new Study will be associated.

Format: 'pid' ['?'] ',issuer' ['?'] [',' [ '[' ] <demograhic-matches> [ ']' ]
<demograhic-matches> ::= <demograhic-match> ['|' ...]
<demograhic-match> ::= [<ignore>','] <demograhic-fields>
<ignore> ::= 'ignore("' <regular-expression> '")'
<demograhic-fields> ::= <demograhic-field> ['?'] [',' ...]
<demograhic-field> ::= 'familyname''(1)' | 'givenname''(1)' | 'middlename''(1)' | 'nameprefix''(1)' | 'namesuffix''(1)' | 'birthdate' | 'sex'

Multiple alternative <demograhic-matches> can be specified using '|' as delimiter.

Substrings specified by 'ignore("' <regular-expression> '")' will be ignored for matching patient name components.

A '(1)' suffix of the attribute name specifies that only the first character need to match.

A question mark('?') after a attribute name specifies that a missing value in received DICOM objects will match with any value for that attribute in existing Patient Records, as Patient Records with missing values for that attribute will match with any value for that attribute in received DICOM objects. Attribute names without question marks specifies, that DICOM objects without values for such attributes will not match any existing Patient Record, and Patient Records without values for such attributes will not get selected on receive of any DICOM Composite Object.

With 'pid*?*', you have to configure the Patient's family name complex ('familyname') as additional matching criterium.

Surrounding <demograhic-match> by brackets('[]') defines, that demographic fields shall not be considered for the selection of an existing Patient record, if the Patient ID is qualified by an Issuer/Authority in the received DICOM Composite Object and in the matching Patient Record.

Without surrounding brackets('[]'), the specified <demograhic-match> will be considered even if the Patient ID is qualified by an Issuer/Authority in the received DICOM Composite Object and there is an existing Patient Record with such Patient ID and Issuer/Authority: If the Patient Record does not also match in the specified demographic attributes, it will not be selected, but Patient ID and Issuer/Authority in the received DICOM Composite Object will be replace by a new Patient ID generated according configured #GeneratePatientID and by configured #IssuerOfGeneratedPatientID. If #StoreOriginalPatientIDInOtherPatientIDsSequence = true, the original Patient ID and Issuer of Patient ID in the received DICOM Composite Object will be stored in an item of the Other Patient IDs Sequence.

Default Value: pid,issuer?[familyname,givenname,middlename?,birthdate]


Specifies, if the original Patient ID and Issuer of Patient ID in the received DICOM Composite Object will be stored in an item of the Other Patient IDs Sequence, if they have to be replaced by a new generated Patient ID, caused by an already existing Patient Record with matching Patient ID and Issuer of Patient ID, but not matching demographic fields.

Default Value: false


Use Study Date in received objects to structure directories of the storage file system. Otherwise - or if the received object does not contain a Study Date - the current date, when receiving the object, is used. (s.a. attributes #YearInFilePath, #MonthInFilePath, #DayInFilePath, #HourInFilePath). Normally, this value is used if importing data from another archive, where you want the file path to reflect when the study actually took place, and not the date that it was imported into the archive. Otherwise, all imported files would have the same archive date, and therefore all be located in the same directory of the storage file system.

Default Value: false


Use the year of Study or receiving Date to structure directories of the storage file system.(s.a. attributes #StudyDateInFilePath, #MonthInFilePath, #DayInFilePath, #HourInFilePath)

Default Value: true


Use the year of Study or receiving Date to structure directories of the storage file system. (s.a. attributes #StudyDateInFilePath, #YearInFilePath, #DayInFilePath, #HourInFilePath)

Default Value: true


Use the year of Study or receiving Date to structure directories of the storage file system. (s.a. attributes #StudyDateInFilePath, #YearInFilePath, #MonthInFilePath, #HourInFilePath)

Default Value: true


Use the year of Study or receiving Date to structure directories of the storage file system. (s.a. attributes #StudyDateInFilePath, #YearInFilePath, #MonthInFilePath, #DayInFilePath)

Default Value: true


Used to split directory path (mount point) from file path in the (0040,E010) Retrieve URI of objects received with private Transfer Syntax: URI Referenced. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/. Alternatively an URI can be specified.
In any case, there must be already a file system configured, which directory path match the value. If an URI is specified, the (0040,E010) Retrieve URI in received objects must start with the value + '/'. If a directory path is specified, the Retrieve URI must start with 'file:' + absolute directory path. Otherwise the storage will fail.

Default Value: archive


Specifies if the file referenced by (0040,E010) Retrieve URI is parsed to supplement attributes in the C-STORE RQ with all attributes from the filed DICOM object. Only effective for receiving objects encoded with private Transfer Syntax: URI Referenced.

Default Value: true


Specifies if the MD5 file check sum for the file referenced by (0040,E010) Retrieve URI is calculated. Only effective for receiving objects encoded with private Transfer Syntax: URI Referenced and with attribute #ReadReferencedFile = true.

Default Value: true


Generates an MD5 file check sum during storage and keeps it in the database record. Normally, this value is true, unless you are doing specific types of testing where performance is an issue.

Default Value: true


Flush file system buffers after storage of received objects before sending successful C-STORE RSP. Excludes possibility of truncated files on disk, caused by a system crash just after storage of a received object because the OS disk cache may not yet have written to the storage device, at the expense of storage performance.

Default Value: true


Flush file system buffers after storage of received objects after sending successful C-STORE RSP. Minimize likilihood of truncated files on disk, caused by a system crash just after storage of a received object because the OS disk cache may not yet have written to the storage device, without significant decrease of storage performance. Only effective, if #SyncFileBeforeCStoreRSP is false.

Default Value: false


Store a duplicate object if the MD5 sum of the new object differs from the MD5 sum of the existing file. If the MD5 sum does not match, the files may be corrupted.

Default Value: true


Store duplicate objects if the existing files are NOT located on this host.

Default Value: false


List of image compression rules. First matching rule for a received uncompressed image defines its compression. Enables to set compression methods dependent on Calling/Called AE Title in the A-Associate RQ from the Storage SCU and on values of particular image attributes (s. Attributes for compression conditions below).

<compression rules> := (<compression rule> <EOL>)+
<compression rule> := [<conditions>] <compression>
<conditions> := '[' <condition> {',' <condition>} ']'
<condition> := <attribute> ['!']'=' <value> {'|' <value>}
<attribute> := 'calling' | 'called' | 'pmi' | 'cuid' | 'imgtype' | 'bodypart'
<compression> := 'NONE' | 'JPLL' | 'JLSL' | 'J2KR' | ('JPLY' ['(' <quality> ':' <description> ':' <ratio> ')'])
<quality> := used compression quality between 0.0 and 1.0, 0.75 by default.
<description> := description stored in attribute Derivation Description (0008,2111), "JPEG Lossy Compression with quality=0.75" by default.
<ratio> := estimated compression ratio stored in attribute Lossy Image Compression Ratio (0028,2112), 5.0 by default.

Supported compression modes:

  • NONE - do not apply compression.
  • JPLL - JPEG Lossless
  • JLSL - JPEG-LS Lossless
  • J2KR - JPEG 2000 Lossless
  • JPLY - JPEG Lossy

Attributes for compression conditions:

  • calling - Calling AE title in A-Associate RQ from Storage SCU.
  • called - Called AE title in A-Associate RQ from Storage SCU.
  • pmi - Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) of image.
  • cuid - SOP Class UID (0008,0016) of image.
  • imgtype - Image Type (0008,0008) of image.
  • bodypart - Body Part Examined (0018,0015) of image.

(info) The value of the attribute Compression Service#MaxConcurrentCodec also effects the on-the-fly compression and decompression during the store of images by the Storage SCP.

Default Value:



Interval in hours (#h), minutes (#m) or seconds (#s) in which the data base is polled for new received Series, for which Series Stored Notifications were not yet emitted.

Default Value: 1m


Minimal delay in hours (#h), minutes (#m) or seconds (#s) between the receive of the last object of a Series and the emission of a Series Stored Notification for that Series. Shall not be configured smaller than the maximal time between the receive of two objects belonging to the same Series to avoid emission of multiple Series Stored Notifications for one Series.

Default Value: 1m


Serialize updates of DB records for received objects in one association. This may decrease storage performance! If however, you have small objects and a network delay, such as a long distance network, it could make sense to turn on this feature.

Default Value: false


Maximum number of retries to update the database records for new received objects, before a processing failure is returned to the Storage SCU. If you have many modalities sending concurrently, you will have a higher retry rate.

Default Value: 2


Maximum number of retries actually performed to update the database records for new received objects.


Delay in milliseconds between retries to update the database records for new received objects.

Default Value: 0


List of image SOP Classes that the Store SCP service accepts. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
Default Value:



List of Transfer Syntaxes for Image SOP Classes that Store SCP service accepts. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian,
  • JPEGBaseline,
  • JPEGExtended,
  • JPEGLossless (=Process 14 [Selection Value 1]),
  • JPEGLossless14,
  • JPEGLSLossless,
  • JPEGLSLossy,
  • JPEG2000Lossless,
  • JPEG2000Lossy,
  • RLELossless
  • Dcm4cheURIReferenced
  • NoPixelData
  • NoPixelDataDeflate

Default Value:



List of Video SOP Classes that the Store SCP service accepts. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.

Default Value:



List of Transfer Syntaxes for Video SOP Classes that Store SCP service accepts. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • JPEGBaseline
  • MPEG2
  • MPEG4
  • Dcm4cheURIReferenced
  • NoPixelData
  • NoPixelDataDeflate

Default Value:



List of Waveform SOP Classes that the Store SCP service accepts. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.

Default Value:



List of Transfer Syntaxes for Waveform SOP Classes that Store SCP service accepts. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian
  • Dcm4cheURIReferenced

Default Value:



List of Structured Report Document SOP Classes that the Store SCP service accepts.
Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.

Default Value:



List of Transfer Syntaxes for Structured Report Document SOP Classes that Store SCP service accepts. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian
  • Dcm4cheURIReferenced

Default Value:



List of other (than Image, Video, Waveform, Structured Report) SOP Classes that the Store SCP service accepts.Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.

Default Value:



List of Transfer Syntaxes for other (than Image, Video, Waveform, Structured Report) SOP Classes that Store SCP service accepts. Order defines selection preference. Use either the Transfer Syntaxes UID value or following defined symbolic names:

  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian,
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian
  • Dcm4cheURIReferenced

Default Value:



Check if a received instance should be ignored due to 'Incorrect Worklist Entry Selected'. In the IHE scheduled workflow profile, if a modality sends an MPPS discontinue message, with the reason listed as "incorrect entry was selected from the worklist", and this flag is set to TRUE, the archive deletes any received instances related to the incorrect MPPS message. (Currently, we are not aware of any modalities that are actually connected to the archive that use this setting.)

Default Value: true


Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s). Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective.

Default Value: 16352


The maximum number of outstanding operations and/or sub-operations it allows the Association-requester to invoke asynchronously. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of outstanding operations.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s). Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective.

Default Value: 1


The maximum number of outstanding operations and/or sub-operations it allows the Association-requester to perform asynchronously. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of outstanding operations.

(warning) This property should be set to equal values for all DICOM SCP services with same called AE Title(s). Otherwise it is non-deterministic, which configured value is effective.

Default Value: 1


Maximum value length of non-pixel data attributes of received objects. Storage of objects with attributes with larger value length will fail.

Default Value: 67108864


Size of byte buffer used for copying data from TCP channel to file.

Default Value: 8192


List of the AE titles for the Storage SCUs for which the object attributes are logged into filesĀ  in XML format. The files are stored in the log directory in the location: <AET>/<timestamp>-cstorerq.xml. These XML files are useful for creation of XSL stylesheets for attribute coercion. Normally, you would turn this one when adding a new modality to determine if you are missing critical information that must then be substituted or "coerced" using stylesheets.

Separate multiple values by \ (backslash). NONE = no calling AE titles.

Default Value: NONE


Directory where configuration files for attribute coercion are located. If the XSL stylesheet "cstorerq.xsl" exists in this directory or in a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of a Storage SCU, attributes from this SCU will be coerced according these stylesheets. A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.

Default Value: conf/dcm4chee-ae


Enable logging of coercions in separate log files.
FileName: <LOG_DIR>/coercion/<timestamp>.<xsl file>.[in]|[out]
Coercion logs are only written for Calling AETs specified in LogAETitles!

Default Value: false


Perform attribute coercion prior to writing to storage file system.

Default Value: false


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=Scheduler


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=FileSystemMgt


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=MWLScu


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=DcmServer


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=AuditLogger


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=Templates


The timer ID for scheduler of checking pending series stored.

Default Value: CheckPendingSeriesStored


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Reset Update Database - Performed Retries to 0.


Import a DICOM file (internal use only)



The notification sent whenever a Series of DICOM composite object was received. It is triggered by the receive of an object belonging to a different Series than the objects received before and at the latests when the association is released.

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