Audit Logger

Audit Logger

Audit Logger. Identifies Audit Source in emitted Audit Log Messages formatted according the new RFC-3881 based schema of the IHE ITI Audit Trail and Node Authentication Profile and the Radiology Audit Trail Option described in RAD TF-III 5.1




Identifier of this application as source where the event originated.

Format: Unique identifier text string, at least within the Audit Enterprise Site ID.

Default Value: local host name


Logical source location within the healthcare enterprise network, e.g., a hospital or other provider location within a multi-entity provider group.

Format: Unique identifier text string within the healthcare enterprise. May be unvalued (='-') when the audit-generating application is uniquely identified by Audit Source ID.

Default Value: -


Code specifying the type of source where event originated.





End-user interface


Data acquisition device or instrument


Web server process tier in a multi-tier system


Application server process tier in a multi-tier system


Database server process tier in a multi-tier system


Security server, e.g., a domain controller


ISO level 1-3 network component


ISO level 4-6 operating software


External source, other or unknown type

Multiple values separated by comma (',') can be specified.

Default Value: 4


Used to identify this application instance as Active Participant in emitted Audit Messages.

Format: Text string

Default Value: System Property app.pid or alternatively extracted from java.lang.management.RuntimeMXBean#getName()


Used to identify this application as Active Participant in emitted Audit Messages.

Format: Text string

Default Value: System Property app.name


List of AE titles supported by this application, separated by

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Enables reverse DNS lookups to identify remote hosts by their host name - instead of their IP address - in emitted Audit Messages.

Default Value: false


Determines, if emitted Audit Messages starts with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> or if the XML declaration is skipped.

Default Value: false


Determines, if the Event Date/Time in emitted Audit Messages includes the time-zone offset to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Default Value: true


Determines, if the Event Date/Time in the emitted Audit Messages is given as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Default Value: false


Determines, if host names included in the emitted Audit Messages shall be fully qualified.

Default Value: false


Determines, if attribute UserIsRequestor="true" of element <ActiveParticipant> in the emitted Audit Messages is explicit.

Default Value: false


Directory which contains configuration files xxx-xmbean.xml, which list service attributes, for which changes are audited by Security Alert messages. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.

Default Value: conf/dcm4chee-auditlog


Used to distinguish this RFC 3881 compliant Audit Logger Service from the preceding Audit Logger Service, which creates Audit Messages according the Provisional XML Schema definition of the IHE Basic Security Integration Profile.



Emits Application Start Audit Message.


Emits Application Stop Audit Message.
