Content Edit service

Content Edit service


Content Edit service: Identifies where patient information and study information updates are sent and received. Use the values in #ReceivingApplication and #ReceivingFacility attributes or the #SendingApplication or #SendingFacility attributes to configure specific forwarding rules in the HL7 Send Service for patient information updates received from this Content Edit Service. Use the values in the #CalledAETitle and the #CallingAETitle attributes to configure specific forwarding rules in the Private Study Management SCU Service for study information updates received from this Content Edit Service.

The Content Edit Service sends also PatientUpdated and SeriesUpdated JMX Notifications. This allows to forward instances to systems not supporting either StudyMgtScu or HL7 ADT patient updates. In this case the receiver must use the received instances for updating! Use the Forward Service to configure this forward option.

Rationale: This service is mainly used by the web Administration Tools interface when making changes to patients and studies; for example moving a series from one study to another, merging patients and so on. The service provides a bridge between the database and the web Administration Tools interface. It can also send HL7 messages when you trigger a patient merge. Finally, the service can be used in a complex configuration in which you have a central archive and a side archive and want to keep them synchronized.




Identifies the Receiving Application in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7SendService to notify other applications about patient information updates. The values in the ReceivingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in the HL7SendService for HL7 messages that are received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Identifies the Receiving Facility in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7SendService to notify other applications about patient information updates.

The values in the ReceivingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in the HL7SendService for HL7 messages that are received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Identifies the Sending Application in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7SendService to notify other applications about patient information updates.

The values in the SendingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in the HL7SendService for HL7 messages that are received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Identifies the Sending Facility in HL7 messages that are directed to HL7SendService to notify other applications about patient information updates.

The values in the SendingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in the HL7SendService for HL7 messages that are received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Called AE title in DICOM messages that are directed to the StudyMgtScuService to notify other applications about study information updates. The CalledAETitle may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in StudyMgtScu Service for DICOM messages received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Calling AET in DICOM message directed to StudyMgtScuService to notify other Applications about Study Information Updates.

The CallingAETitle may be used to configure specific forwarding rules in StudyMgtScu Service for DICOM messages received from this Content Edit Service.

Default Value: DCM4CHEE


Enable or disable emission of audit messages on create/merge/move/update/delete of Patient/Study/Series/Instance entities.

Default Value: true


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=FileSystemMgt


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=HL7Send


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=StudyMgtScu


Used internally - do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=StoreScp


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


create new patient.


create new study.


create new series.


merge patient.


update patient.


update study.


update series.


Move patient to trash.


Move study to trash.


Move series to trash.


Move instance to trash.


Undelete patient.


Undelete study.


Undelete series.


Undelete instance.


delete patient.


delete study.


delete series.


delete instance.


move study.


move series.


move instances.
