


Command based HSM Module for File Copy Service.

This HSM module use external commands to store, retrieve and query files on a HSM system.



External command to copy files or tarballs to the destination, with
%p will be replaced by the path of file/tarball to copy,
%d will be replaced by the destination file system name,
%f will be replaced by the destination filename
Alternatively a suffix of ':%f' specifies, that the filename on the destination file system shall be returned from the command in stdout.

NONE = write tarball on local accessable file system.

Default Value: NONE


Directory from which tarballs shall be copied by external #CopyCommand. A relative path name is resolved relative to

dcm4chee_home/server/default/. Not effective if CopyCommand='NONE'

Default Value: tar-outgoing


External command to fetch files/tarballs from the source file system, with
%d will be replaced by the source file system name,
%f will be replaced by the path of tarball on the source file system,
%p will be replaced by the destination path.

NONE = TAR file on local accessable file system.

Default Value: NONE


Directory in which files/tarballs shall be retrieved by external FetchCommand. A relative path name is resolved relative to {dcm4chee_home/server/default/}}. Not effective if FetchCommand='NONE'

Default Value: tar-incoming


Command to query status of specific file.

  • %d will be replaced by file system name (directory path/mount point),
  • %f will be replaced by the file path,
  • %i will be replaced by user info associated with the file system.

Default Value: mmls %i/%f


Regular expression, applied to stdout of command. Result determines if status is changed to MatchFileStatus or NoMatchFileStatus.

Default Value: .*\bArchived\b.*


New file status, if the query command could not be executed. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: TO_ARCHIVE


New file status, if query command returns non-zero exit code. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED



New file status, if the query result does NOT match specified pattern. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: TO_ARCHIVE


New file status, if the query result does match specified pattern. Enumerated values: DEFAULT, TO_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, QUERY_HSM_FAILED

Default Value: ARCHIVED


Used internally. Do NOT modify.

Default Value: dcm4chee.archive:service=FileCopy


The class name of the MBean


The status of the MBean


The status of the MBean in text form



Standard MBean lifecycle method


The start lifecycle operation


The stop lifecycle operation


The destroy lifecycle operation


The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)


Prepare File for storage to HSM. Return File Object that is used in FileCopy Service.


Store given File to HSM. Return filename (fileID).


Called if FileCopy failed.


Fetch a File from HSM.


Query status of file in HSM.


Apply pattern to given string. (To test configured pattern)